How to Grow Vietnamese Coriander (Rau Ram Information)

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Vietnamese Coriander is a must have in meat dishes and adds a dash of flavor your just can’t miss! Here’s everything about growing it!

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Vietnamese Coriander – This under-the-radar herb is a culinary powerhouse that elevates your dishes with its complex taste—think peppery, minty, and a hint of citrus all rolled into one. Whether you’re an aspiring home cook or a seasoned chef, it promises a culinary journey that you won’t want to miss!

Check out Different Types of Cilantro and Coriander here

Vietnamese Coriander Information

Vietnamese Coriander, scientifically known as Persicaria odorata, originates from Southeast Asia. It’s a staple herb in various Asian cuisines, particularly Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Malaysian cooking. Unlike common coriander or cilantro, this tropical plant thrives in warm and humid conditions.

Vietnamese Coriander is a perennial plant that grows up to 30cm in height. Its leaves are elongated, narrow, and pointed with dark green coloration and occasional dark V-shaped markings. The plant is known for its distinct appearance, with leaves showing a slight sheen on the upper surface. The stems are jointed, allowing for easy propagation.

Vietnamese Coriander Flavor

The flavor of Vietnamese Coriander is a unique blend of peppery, minty, and slightly lemony notes. It is spicier than regular cilantro but offers a similar bright, herbal character. This complex taste profile makes it a versatile herb in the culinary world.

Vietnamese Coriander Uses

Vietnamese Coriander is often used in meat-centric dishes like pho, a popular Vietnamese soup. It provides a depth of flavor that complements the richness of the meat.

The herb’s zesty flavor pairs well with seafood, especially in dishes like grilled fish and shrimp salads.

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Beyond its culinary applications, Vietnamese Coriander is also used for its medicinal properties. It’s believed to aid in digestion and is often used to treat flatulence and stomach cramps.

Propagating Vietnamese Coriander

Methods to propagate Vietnamese Coriander:

The easiest method of propagating Vietnamese Coriander is through stem cuttings.

  • Choose a healthy and established Vietnamese Coriander plant that you want to propagate. Ensure that it is free from diseases or pests.
  • Using clean pruning shears or sharp scissors cut a stem from the parent plant that is about 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) long. Make the cut just below a node (the point where a leaf is attached to the stem). Remove any lower leaves, leaving a few leaves at the top.
  • Fill small pots or containers with a well-draining potting mix. Moisten the mix lightly, but ensure it’s not waterlogged.
  • Insert the cut end of the stem into the potting mix, burying it about an inch (2.5 cm) deep. You can plant multiple cuttings in the same container, but ensure they are spaced apart.
  • Place a plastic bag or wrap over the pots to create a mini-greenhouse effect. This helps retain humidity and encourages root development. Make sure the plastic doesn’t touch the leaves.
  • Place the pots in an area with indirect sunlight or dappled shade. Avoid direct sunlight during this phase.
  • Check the cuttings regularly to ensure the potting mix remains lightly moist. Mist the cuttings and the inside of the plastic covering if needed.
  • After a few weeks (typically 2-4 weeks), the cuttings should develop roots. You can gently tug on them to check for resistance.
  • Once the cuttings have well-established roots, remove them from the pots and transplant them into larger containers or your garden.

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Best Pot Size for Growing Vietnamese Coriander

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For Vietnamese Coriander, you can use an 8-12 inches pot. It will be more than enough to give a plentiful harvest all year round!

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Requirements for Growing Vietnamese Coriander


Vietnamese Coriander thrives in partial to full sunlight. For optimal growth and flavor, aim to provide the plant with a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

During extremely hot seasons, it may benefit from a bit of afternoon shade to prevent leaf scorching.


The plant prefers well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. Soil quality plays a significant role in the herb’s flavor development, so ensure your soil is rich in organic matter. Go for:

  • 40% garden soil
  • 30% compost
  • 20% sand or perlite
  • 10% coco coir or peat moss

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Vietnamese Coriander likes consistent moisture, but it’s essential not to overwater. A good rule of thumb is to water the plant when the soil surface feels dry to the touch.

While the plant enjoys moisture, it is relatively drought-tolerant compared to other herbs. However, inconsistent watering can impact the flavor quality, making it either too mild or excessively pungent.


Vietnamese Coriander is a tropical plant and thrives in warm conditions. It does best in temperatures ranging from 70 to 90°F (21 to 32°C).

Be cautious of frost, as this plant is not frost-tolerant. If you live in a region with colder seasons, consider growing Vietnamese Coriander in pots that can be brought indoors during winter months.

Learn How to Grow Cilantro in a Pot here

Vietnamese Coriander Care

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Go for a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/2 of its strength, once in 4-6 weeks. It will make the leaves bigger and more flavorful. You don’t need to fertilize your plants too much if you’re side-dressing them with compost or aged manure.

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Pruning Vietnamese Coriander helps maintain its bushy growth and flavor. Trim the tips of stems to encourage branching and prevent legginess.

You can prune throughout the growing season, especially when it reaches 6-8 inches in height. Regularly snipping the top 1-2 inches of stems promotes a healthy, compact plant.

Pests and Diseases


  • Aphids: These tiny insects feed on plant sap, causing distortion and stunted growth. Control with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Whiteflies: They leave a sticky residue on leaves and can spread diseases. Use insecticidal soap or introduce natural predators like ladybugs.
  • Slugs and Snails: These pests feed on the leaves, leaving irregular holes. Handpick or use slug baits to deter them.

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  • Powdery Mildew: A white, powdery substance appears on leaves, affecting growth. Improve air circulation and use fungicidal sprays.
  • Downy Mildew: Yellow patches with a downy texture form on the leaves. Remove affected parts and use copper-based fungicides.
  • Root Rot: Excessive moisture can lead to root rot, causing wilting and yellowing. Ensure well-draining soil and avoid overwatering.
  • Leaf Spot: Circular brown spots with yellow halos may appear on leaves. Remove affected leaves and use fungicides if needed.

Harvesting Vietnamese Coriander

  1. Timing: Wait until the plant reaches a height of 6-8 inches or has developed enough leaves for harvesting. Typically, you can start harvesting about 6-8 weeks after planting.
  2. Selective Picking: Use clean and sharp scissors or garden shears to snip off the individual leaves or stems as needed. Avoid harvesting more than one-third of the plant at a time to allow it to continue growing.
  3. Regular Harvesting: Continue harvesting regularly throughout the growing season to encourage bushier growth and prevent the plant from becoming too leggy or flowering.
  4. Harvesting Tips: Choose the young, tender leaves for the best flavor. The top 4-6 inches of the plant contain the most flavor. Avoid harvesting older, tough leaves.
  5. Storage: Use freshly harvested Vietnamese Coriander immediately for the best flavor. If you have excess, you can store it in the refrigerator for a few days in a plastic bag with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Alternatively, you can freeze the leaves for longer-term storage.

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Vietnamese Coriander Uses

1. Soups and Stews


Vietnamese Coriander is a staple in the traditional Vietnamese noodle soup known as Pho. The herb adds an aromatic layer that complements the rich, meaty broth.

Curry-Based Dishes

The herb’s unique taste can enhance the depth and complexity of various curry recipes, both meat-based and vegetarian.

2. Seafood Preparations

Grilled Fish

Sprinkle some fresh Vietnamese Coriander leaves over grilled fish for a burst of flavor that pairs well with the smoky notes.

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Shrimp Salad

Incorporate Vietnamese Coriander into fresh shrimp salads, where its peppery bite complements the sweetness of the shellfish.

3. Meat Dishes

Lemongrass Chicken

The herb pairs exceptionally well with lemongrass, making it a great addition to lemongrass chicken dishes.

Beef Stir-Fry

Incorporate Vietnamese Coriander in a beef stir-fry to add a distinctive layer of flavor that stands up to the robustness of red meat.

Vietnamese Coriander – FAQs

1. Can I grow Vietnamese Coriander indoors?

Yes, you can grow Vietnamese Coriander indoors in a sunny window or under grow lights. Ensure it gets at least 4-6 hours of sunlight daily.

 2. How deep should I plant Vietnamese Coriander seeds or seedlings?

Plant seeds about 1/4 inch deep in the soil. Transplant seedlings with their root ball at the same depth as they were in their nursery pots.

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3. What are the ideal container size and type for growing Vietnamese Coriander indoors?

Choose a pot that’s at least 8 inches deep with good drainage. A clay or plastic container works well, and make sure it has drainage holes.

4. Can I harvest Vietnamese Coriander during its flowering stage?

While it’s best to harvest before flowering for the most flavor, you can still use leaves from flowering stems, but they might be slightly less aromatic.

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