21 Vegetables You Never Need to Buy – Grow at Home No Matter What Space

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Want to know about the Vegetables You Never Need to Buy – Grow at Home No Matter What Space? Well, we have the best ones for you!

As we turn more health-conscious, vegetables have become a staple in our diets, but buying fresh produce from the grocery store can be expensive, not to mention the fact that they may have been sitting on the shelves for days, losing some of their nutritional value. The good news is that you don’t need a huge garden to grow your own veggies. Here’s a list of Vegetables You Never Need to Buy – Grow at Home No Matter What Space!

Follow 7 Top Tips to Grow More Vegetables in Small Space here

Vegetables You Never Need to Buy – Grow at Home No Matter What Space

1. Tomatoes

Vegetables You Never Need to Buy
shutterstock/Jon Rehg

You can grow tomatoes in containers or hanging baskets, and they require very little maintenance. Plus, nothing beats the taste of a fresh, homegrown tomato in your salad or on your sandwich. It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.

Learn How to Grow so Many Tomatoes in So Little Space here

2. Peppers

Bell peppers, jalapeños, and other types of peppers can be grown in small containers or pots. They are easy to care for and add a nice kick to your dishes.

As the plants grow, you can add stakes or cages to keep them upright. When the peppers begin to turn red or yellow, they’re ripe and ready to pick!

Enjoy the fruits of your labor in all kinds of recipes, or just eat them straight from the plant. Growing peppers is a fun and easy project, so give it a try!

Check the Best Varieties of Pepper here

3. Beans

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All you need is a pot, some soil, and a few dry beans. Plant the beans an inch deep in the soil, and give them some water. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and wait for the magic to happen.

In no time at all, you’ll start to see little bean sprouts popping up from the soil, and with a little more water and sunshine, you’ll have a pot full of beans in no time.

It’s a great way to teach kids about the power of nature and to put a little extra green in your life. Give it a try, and get ready for a fun and rewarding gardening experience!

Check Best Green Bean Varieties for Containers here

4. Carrots

Growing carrots from carrots? You bet! All you need is a carrot, some soil, and a sunny spot in your garden or on your windowsill.

To get started, take the carrot you’ve chosen and cut off the top. You can either set the carrot directly in the soil or place the top in a cup of water. In a few days, you’ll see tiny roots and leaves sprouting—it’s so exciting! Do remember that this will only make the leaves grow – if you want carrot, then you will have to grow it from seeds.

When the leaves are about an inch tall, transfer the carrot top to a pot of soil and water regularly. Before you know it, you’ll have a full-grown carrot plant. Now that’s something to be proud of! Carrots are one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.


Learn Growing Carrots In Containers here

5. Radishes


Plant the radishes in the soil and make sure they are about an inch deep and spaced about an inch apart. Keep the soil moist, and in a few weeks, you will start to see the radish seedlings emerging.

As the seedlings grow, give them more space by thinning them out, and make sure you keep the soil moist. With a bit of sunshine and some basic care, you will soon have a crop of tasty radishes in no time!

Check Everything About Growing Radishes In Containers & Pots here

6. Lettuce

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Growing lettuce from lettuce is a fun, simple project that will bring you lots of delicious salads! All you need to do is get a head of lettuce, cut off the bottom of the stem, and place it in a container of water. In a few days, the lettuce will start to produce roots, and then you can plant it in a pot of potting soil.

Keep the soil moist, and in no time, you’ll have a fresh, homegrown head of lettuce! Plus, you can save the leftover leaves to make sure that your next harvest is even bigger. It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy. Enjoy!

Check 12 Easy-to-Make DIY Vertical Lettuce Garden Ideas here

7. Spinach

Growing spinach from spinach is really quite easy! All you need to do is take some spinach seeds and plant them in a well-draining soil. You can then let your spinach seeds sprout and grow in their new home.

After a few weeks, you should start to see little seedlings coming up! Once they’re big enough, you can then start harvesting your delicious homegrown spinach.

It’s a great way to get fresh, healthy vegetables right from your own backyard. Plus, it’s a fun and lighthearted activity that the whole family can enjoy. So why not give it a try?

8. Cucumbers

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Start by washing and drying the cucumber, then cut it in half length-wise. Scoop out the seeds and rinse them off. Place the cucumber halves in a shallow bowl or container filled with potting soil. Keep the bowl in a sunny spot and water it regularly.

In a few weeks, you’ll see the seeds sprouting. Soon you’ll have your own cucumber plants! With enough warmth and water, you’ll be able to harvest your own cucumbers in no time. So get started and have fun growing your own cucumbers! It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.

Learn Growing Cucumbers Vertically here

9. Zucchini

Growing zucchini from zucchini is surprisingly easy! All you need to do is take an existing zucchini, slice it in half, scoop out the seeds, and plant it in the ground or in a pot.

The zucchini can also be planted directly in the ground – just make sure it’s nice and moist. Water it regularly, and within a few weeks, you’ll be harvesting your very own zucchini! Who knew gardening could be so much fun?

Learn How to Grow Zucchini Vertically to Save Space and Unlimited Harvest here

10. Eggplant

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To get started, select the healthiest-looking eggplant from the grocery store or farmers’ market. Cut the eggplant in half and scoop out the flesh. Plant the seeds in a well-draining pot filled with soil and water until the soil is damp.

Place the pot in a sunny spot and keep the soil moist. In a few weeks, you’ll start to see the seedlings emerge. With some patience and TLC, you’ll have your very own eggplant harvest! It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.

Check out our article on Growing Eggplants in Pots here

11. Green Onions

Plant the seeds in early spring, about one-quarter inch deep and one inch apart. Thin the seedlings to about four inches apart as they begin to grow. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. In about three to four weeks, the green onions will be ready to harvest.

In just a few weeks, you should start to see your green onion taking root and growing new, fresh onions! It’s a fun and easy project that’s sure to bring a smile to your face. Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy the added bonus of homegrown onions for your favorite recipes.

What Growing Green Onions In Containers Year Round here

12. Microgreens

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Growing microgreens is a fun and rewarding activity that anyone can enjoy. All you need is a few supplies, some seeds, and a little bit of knowledge, and you can be growing your own microgreens in no time!

The best part about growing microgreens is that you can enjoy the harvest in a matter of days. With a little bit of care and attention, you can be harvesting your own microgreens in just a couple of weeks!

Plus, the rewards are great! Not only are microgreens full of vitamins and minerals, but they’re also a great way to add flavor and nutrition to your meals.

Everything About Growing Microgreens: Best Microgreens To Grow

13. Kale

You can start by planting some kale seeds in a sunny spot in your garden. Make sure to give the soil plenty of compost and water the seedlings regularly.

As your kale grows, keep an eye out for pests like caterpillars and aphids, and be sure to give the plants enough water. When the kale is ready to harvest, cut off the leaves, rinse them off and enjoy! It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.

Check out our article on growing Kale in pots here

14. Swiss Chard

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Swiss Chard is a hardy vegetable that grows well in a wide range of climates and soils. You can start your Swiss Chard from seed or from transplants. If you choose to start from seed, sow the seeds about 1/4 inch deep and keep them consistently moist until they germinate.

Transplants should be planted at the same depth as they were originally growing and should be watered well until established. Remember to keep the soil moist and fertilize regularly.

You can also add a layer of mulch around the plants to help keep the soil moist and suppress weeds. With a little care and patience, you’ll be rewarded with a bounty of fresh Swiss Chard to enjoy in no time!

Find How to Plant Swiss Chard in Containers here

15. Garlic

All you need is a head of garlic and a sunny spot in your garden. Simply break off each clove from the head and plant them in the ground, pointed end up, about two inches deep.

Water the cloves regularly, and you’ll soon have your own garlic patch. Once the garlic is ready, it can be harvested, cured, and stored. You can even save some of the cloves to plant again next season. Enjoy the fresh flavor of your homegrown garlic! It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.

Learn How to Grow Garlic Indoors here

16. Beets

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All you need is a packet of beet seeds, some soil, and a sunny spot in the garden. Plant the seeds about 1 inch deep and about 2 inches apart, and water them regularly.

In about a month, you’ll start to see small beet leaves poking up from the soil. As the plants continue to grow, you can start harvesting the beets when they reach about two inches in diameter.

Here are the Best Beets Companion Plants

17. Cabbage


Sow seeds directly into the garden in rows spaced 18-24 inches apart. If you are growing it in pots, plant one seed per pot (18-22 inches).

Keep the soil evenly moist and fertilize the plants with a balanced fertilizer. Harvest when the heads are firm, and the leaves are full. Water regularly and keep an eye out for any pests that may want to eat away at your cabbage. It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.

With a little bit of luck and tender loving care, your cabbage will soon grow into a healthy and delicious new head cabbage!

Learn about Growing Cabbage in Containers here

18. Broccoli

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Start by planting seeds indoors in a sunny location. As the seedlings grow, be sure to keep the soil moist and fertilize them every two weeks.

When they reach a few inches tall, you can transplant them outside into a sunny spot in your garden. Once transplanted, make sure to water your broccoli regularly and keep the soil moist.

As your broccoli grows, be sure to remove any pests or weeds that may be nearby. You will know your broccoli is ready to harvest when the heads turn a deep green color. Enjoy the fruits of your labor with a tasty homemade broccoli dish!

Check out our article on growing broccoli in pots here

19. Cauliflower

Growing your own cauliflower can be a delicious and fun experience. It’s easy to get started – all you need is some cauliflower, some soil, and a bit of patience.

Begin by selecting a variety of cauliflower that is suitable for your climate. Plant the cauliflower seedlings in a sunny spot with good soil, and be sure to give them plenty of water.

As the plants grow, you can thin them and add mulch to help keep the soil moist. You’ll need to keep an eye out for pests and diseases, as these can damage your crop.

Once the cauliflower heads have grown, harvest them when they are still white and firm. Enjoy the fruits of your labor! It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.

Learn Growing Cauliflower in Containers here

20. Sweet Potatoes

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Growing sweet potatoes from sweet potatoes is a fun and easy way to get your own homegrown crop! All you need is one sweet potato and a few weeks of patience.

Start by cutting the sweet potato in half or in quarters, making sure each piece has at least two or three eyes. Soak the pieces in a shallow bowl of warm water for a few hours to allow them to start sprouting.

Then plant the pieces in a pot of soil or directly in the ground. Keep the soil moist, and in a few weeks, you’ll have a thriving plant with lots of yummy sweet potatoes!

Find How To Plant Sweet Potatoes in Pots here

21. Bok Choy


All you need is a few heads of Bok Choy and a pot or container with some soil, and you’re ready to get your green thumb going! Just place the heads of Bok Choy in the soil and keep them watered, and before you know it, you’ll have a whole garden of Bok Choy in no time.

Bok Choy is a super crunchy and delicious vegetable, so you’ll definitely be reaping the rewards of your hard work in no time! It is one of the best Vegetables You Never Need to Buy.

Learn Growing Bok Choy in Water here

Watch this video for more information

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