This Banana Peel Water Can Boost Plant Growth Quickly

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Do you want to promote the leaves of plants in your home and garden? This Banana Peel Water Can Boost Plant Growth Quickly!

If you are looking for an easy way to make your green friends thrive, the answer is right there in your kitchen! Yes! A Banana Peel Water Can Boost Plant Growth Quickly. Want to know how? Keep reading.

Check out Dried Banana Peel Powder Fertilizer at Home for Any Plant 

What Is Banana Water?

What is Banana Peel Water Can Boost Plant Growth Quickly

Banana water is a nutrient-rich liquid similar to compost tea. It is a great organic source of nutrients that encourage plant growth and prevent deficiencies related to low potassium, including leaf tip curling and brown scorching.

According to a report by the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, banana peels aid the plant in achieving better growth, height, and an increased number of leaves.

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How to Make Banana Peel Water from Soaking?

Banana Peel Water Can Boost Plant Growth Quickly 1

This process requires the peels to be left in water for a few days for the minerals from the peels to be leached into the water.


  • Place approx 4-5 banana peels into a blender and add 2-3 cups of water.
  • Blend well and let it sit for 1-2 days.
  • Strain. The banana peel water is ready!

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How to Use Banana Peel Water?

Use banana peel water once in 3-5 weeks. You can use it as a foliar spray on houseplant once every 10-14 days – dilute it with water in a 1:2 ratio before using it.

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How Does this Work?

Banana peels are rich in many nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium- all of which are required for quick plant growth.

Which Plants Benefit the Best from Banana Peel Water?

Which Plants Benefit the Best from Banana Peel Water

Use banana peel water on vegetables like peppers, tomatoes, and corn. You can also use it on houseplants like Pothos, Philodendrons, Monstera, Snake Plant, Ferns, and English Ivy –  this golden liquid will add more color to the leaves and make them lush.

Many flowers like kalanchoe, roses, geranium, begonia, azalea, and impatiens also benefit from it.

Note: You can also use it as a foliar spray on any plant of your choice. 

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