Put these 10 Things in Your Rose Planting Hole for More Flowers

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Want to see your rose shrubs laden with big, bountiful, and fragrant flowers? For this–Put these 10 Things in Your Rose Planting Hole for More Flowers.

Roses are the most popular flowers, and everyone grows them. And if you are planning to grow them too–you should put a few of these things listed below in your rose planting hole for the best result.

Check out the best homemade rose fertilizer recipes here

Things You Should Put in Rose Planting Hole for Best Flowers

1. Fish Head

The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni

Add a fish head in the soil at the time of planting. It’s high in nitrogen and also provides traces of calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, and sodium steadily for a long time, which results in better and bigger flowers!

The best part is, it is easily digested by bacteria, earthworms, and fungi. This microbial activity around the plant’s roots greatly benefits growth and flower production.

How it Helps Roses?

One fish head per planting hole each growing season will help the plant to have lush growth and will increase the production size of the flowers significantly. 

Read more fish head benefits for plants here

2. Dry Banana Peel Powder


Sun-dry some banana peels. Once done, grind them enough to form a powder. Add 2-4 tablespoons in a planting hole before planting the roses.

Banana peels contain 42% potassium, which is really high as compared to the manure’s 0.5% only. They are also rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron, and magnesium, which result in ample flowers.

How it Helps Roses?

The potassium content in banana peels is best for the size and development of any flowering plant, which helps it to grow bigger blooms. 

Here is how you can use dried banana peel as a fertilizer

3. Epsom Salt


Application of Epsom salt assists in the production of chlorophyll, which helps in the bushier growth of the roses. Adding Epsom salt in the hole at the time of planting and again at the first sign of new growth encourages more flowers.

Add a small teaspoonful to the planting hole at the time of planting roses.

How it Helps Roses?

It is the number one product when it comes to making the plant bushier with more canes for flowering. 

Here’s how Epsom Salt benefits in growing more roses.

4. Alfalfa


Provide more nutrition to your roses by adding half a cup of alfalfa meal to the plants. You can also boil it in the water and use it to water the plant after diluting it with 2 parts of water, once in 3-4 weeks.

As alfalfa is rich in nitrogen, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamins (A, D, B1, B6, E, K, and U), it will help in the overall growth of the plant, while making the rose shrub more resistant to diseases.

How it Helps Roses?

Alfafa is the number one treatment for roses with colorful and full petals. It also helps in buds formation.

5. Coffee Grounds and Tea Bags


Roses like nitrogen with acidic soil and coffee grounds does both. Add 1-2 teaspoons per planting hole.

You can also use half a cup of black coffee per plant once in 2-3 weeks.

Teabags can also be used as they contain around 4.15 percent nitrogen that nourishes the soil. Tea leaves improve the soil structure and increase drainage as well. Add a couple of used teabags per hole or 2-3 teaspoons of tea leaves per planting hole.

How it Helps Roses?

Used tea leaves and coffee grounds improve soil structure and aeration.

Check out some surprising uses of coffee in your garden here

6. Egg Shells


Eggshells have more than 95 percent of minerals, mainly calcium carbonate (34-38%), which is an important plant element needed for overall growth and strong flowers.

They also help in strengthening the tissues of the rose plants. Simply crush the 4-6 eggshells finely and add to the rose planting hole.

How it Helps Roses?

It helps in making the stems of the plant sturdy, which makes it fight off disease and pests. This results in more buds and flowers. 

Learn more about using eggshells for growing tomatoes here

7. Bone Meal


Bone meal is a rich source of phosphorous (18-24%), nitrogen (0.7-7%), and calcium, which helps the rose plants to produce more flowers. Also, it helps in balancing the amount of nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil.

Add a small cup of bone meal in the hole per plant and water well. As it is rich in phosphate that roses require more than other plants, bone meal will boost the overall growth while promoting lush foliage and blooms.

For mature rose plants, you can apply 1/2-cup of bone meal around the roots during spring.

How it Helps Roses?

Helps in the root growth, which results in a better intake of nutrients in the plant, resulting in more and bigger flowers.

Learn How to Use Bone Meal on Plants here

8. Blood Meal


Blood meal is rich in nitrogen, essential minerals, and enzymes, which help the rose to carry out metabolism and photosynthesis. Add two tablespoons to 1/4 cup per planting hole for super vivid flowers!

Its high nitrogen content also acts as a pest deterrent.

How it Helps Roses?

It is one of the best ways to boost plant growth, which can cut down the time a plant takes to flower by a considerable margin. 

9. Aspirin


Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which enhances the immune system of plants that helps them in combating pests and microbial attacks. This prevents the formation of fungus, leading to increased root growth.

Adding 1-2 aspirin tablets in the planting hole would be just fine. You can also crush 4 aspirin tablets, mix in 2 gallons of water, and use this solution as a foliar spray for healthy growth.

How it Helps Roses?

It helps in better nutrient intake and flow of water in the plant, which makes flowers bigger, helping them to bloom for a longer period of time.  

Check out other Aspirin Uses in the Garden here

10. Neem Cake


Adding 2-4 tablespoons of neem cake into the rose planting hole is the best way to ensure that the young plant stays resistant to different pests and soil-borne diseases.

Not just that, neem cake is a rich source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that enrich soil quality and enhance its productivity. Besides, it also has calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, sulfur, and zinc.

Neem cake also improves the texture of the growing medium while enhancing the aeration for better root development.

How it Helps Roses?

Keeps the plant safe from pests and fungal attacks while making sure it continues to bloom for a long.

Watch a great video that we have made here

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  1. There is a rose near the house in the front garden, and I want to plant a few more bushes this year. Your recommendations will be very useful to me! Last year in the village I heard grandmothers talking about how once a year in spring they bury a herring or mackerel carcass under each tree. They say it is the best fertilizer for the garden. This is very unaccustomed to me. But my grandmothers had everything in the garden in bloom, had a great harvest. You also wrote that the fish head in the soil will have a positive effect on the plant. I would like to hear the opinion of an expert about fish fertilization – is it a myth or the truth?

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