22 Beautiful Succulents with Different Color Flowers

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Do all succulents flower? What kind of succulents produces blooms? We have compiled a list of Succulents with Different Color Flowers.

Although not all succulents can bloom freely, many still do. Under the right kind of care and environment, some succulents can bloom throughout the year. Here is a list of beautiful Succulents with Different Color Flowers.

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Succulents with Different Color Flowers

1. Jade Plant                                                                                           

Succulents with white Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Crassula Ovata

The Jade Plant is native to Mozambique and South Africa and is one of the easiest-to-find succulent plants. The popularity comes as no surprise because of the versatility of the plant. It features white or pink, star-shaped blooms.

Here is everything about how to make a Jade Plant flower

2. Calico Kitten   

Succulents with white Color Flowers and red leaves

Botanical Name: Crassula Pellucida

Crassula Pellucida’ Calico Kitten’ or Crassula Marginalis Rubra Variegata is another succulent that produces small, yellow, and white flowers.

3. Baby’s Necklace                                                                                   

Succulents with pink Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Crassula rupestris ssp.marnieriana

This beautiful stacking succulent with beautiful intricate patterned foliage produces clusters of white, pink, and yellow flowers. 

Here are the best trailing succulents you can grow 

4. String of Buttons 

Succulents with white tiny  Flowers

Botanical Name: Crassula perforata

With leaves stacked on top of each other, the bluish-green leaves of String of Buttons form a criss-cross pattern. Native to South Africa, this plant displays clusters of small yellow and white blooms.

Check out the best string succulents  

5. Echeveria Peacockii

Echeveria Peacockii with pink Flowers

Botanical Name: Echeveria peacockii

An Echeveria Peacockii is a hybrid with pink edges and blue-gray leaves. The flowers are bell-shaped and bright pink and bloom for weeks and months. The flowers of Echeverias can bloom out of slender stalks.

Here are the best Echeverias that grow bigger and fuller

6. Mexican Snowball

snowball red colour flower bloom

Botanical Name: Echeveria elegans

Mexican Snowball is native to Mexico, and it produces brighter flowers when the plant is exposed to drought-like conditions or extreme temperatures. With gray-green leaves and pinkish margins, the plant features bell-shaped, colorful pink-coral flowers.

7. Jelly Bean Plant

Succulents with yellow Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Sedum rubrotinctum

Jelly Bean Plant is native to Mexico; this plant has bean-shaped, plump, green leaves. It features tiny, yellow, star-shaped flowers. The edges turn red when exposed to heat or cold or under stress.

Find out the Most Popular Sedum Varieties 

8. Woolly Rose

wooley rose with red foliage

Botanical Name: Echeveria ‘Doris Taylor’

Another echeveria hybrid with silver-green fuzzy leaves that are covered with little fuzz that makes the plant look hairy. The plant bears attractive, bright orange flowers that can make a bold statement in any space.

9. Ghost Plant

ghost plant  with white Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Graptopetalum paraguayense

This charming plant has delicate pastel-shaded leaves and flowers. With flat, pointed, thick leaves, this Ghost Plant produces beautiful star-shaped, pale yellow and white flowers.

Find the Best Care Tips for Growing Pencil Cactus 

10. Cobweb Hens and Chicks

succulent with pink flower

Botanical Name: Sempervivum arachnoideum

If you are looking for Succulents with Different Color Flowers, then Cobweb Hens and Chicks is an interesting option that looks like cobwebs surrounding the plant. This monocarpic plant produces beautiful blooms with flowers in magenta pink that can bloom for weeks.

Have a look at the best hens and chicks here 

11. Francesco Baldi Graptosedum

Graptosedum withyellow Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Graptosedum ‘Francesco Baldi’   

Graptosedum ‘Francesco Baldi’ is a cross between Sedum pachyphyllum ‘Jelly Beans’ and Graptopetalum paraguayense ‘Ghost Plant. The flowers resemble a hybrid of the two plants and display star-shaped, yellow, or white flowers. 

12. Black Rose

black rose with long stem flowerBotanical Name: Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’

With deep purple, nearly black foliage, Aeonium’ Black Rose’ has rosettes shaped like flower heads that form baby plants or offsets. Usually, the blooms are pink or yellow in the shade and can stay in bloom for weeks. 

Here are the best types of Aeoniums you can grow 

13. Christmas Cactus

Succulents with pink Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Schlumbergera

Christmas Cactus is one of the most popular succulents that produces flowers yearly, mainly in October-March. Grow these beautiful flowers for their blooms in shades of white, red, and yellow to add festive spirit to your holidays.

Want to Make a Christmas Cactus Bloom? Click This Post

14. Pink Ice Plant

ice plant with purple flower bloom

Botanical Name: Oscularia Deltoides

The pink Ice Plant is native to South Africa and has triangular, blue-green leaves with pinkish, jagged edges. The plant flowers freely on maturity and displays lovely magenta-pink blooms covering the entire plant.

15. Aloe Flower

aloe with Different Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Aloe

There are many plants in the aloe genus that you can grow in the garden for their beautiful flowers. It is one of the best plants to grow if you are a fussy gardener who loves plants that need little to no maintenence.

Have a look at the best types of aloe 

16. Crassula Spring Time

spring time succulent with pink ball flower

Botanical Name: Crassula Springtime

Crassula Spring Time blooms from late winter to early spring. This small succulent plant adorns any space with delicate clusters of pink flowers and attracts bees and butterflies.

17. Painted Lady Echeveria

Succulents with orange Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Echeveria derenbergii

Painted Lady Echeveria is a succulent known for its delicate beauty. Green and silvery blue leaves densely form a tight, small rosette that produces yellow-pink flowers in spring.

18. Black Knight Echeveria

succulent with magenta flower

Botanical Name: Echeveria ‘Black Knight’

Echeveria Black Knight is a unique succulent with a deep black color that many find intriguing. However, the plant blooms in summer or fall, producing star-like, deep burgundy red flowers wrapped around a black sepal.

Here are the most amazing Echeveria you can grow 

19. Donkey Tail Sedum

donkey tail Succulents withpink Color Flowers

Botanical Name: Sedum morganianum

Donkey Tail Sedum is another easy-to-grow succulent; it features fleshy teardrop-shaped leaves. The plant produces red, tiny flowers under the bulbous leaves. 

20. Ruby Necklace

ruby necklace with yellow flowers

Botanical Name: Othonna capensis

Ruby Necklace is a trailing, fast-growing succulent with bean-shaped foliage that grows on a long stem. Usually, the green leaves can turn into ruby red when left exposed to direct, bright sunlight. This succulent produces vibrant yellow flowers all year round. 

21. Coral Bells

coral bells with  baby pink  Flowers

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe uniflora

One of the best specimens for hanging baskets, you can also grow it indoors for its fantastic trailing foliage and flowers. Just ensure it gets plenty of light throughout the day.

Don’t miss these Kalanchoe varieties!

22. Stapelia

stepilea succulent with flower

Botanical Name: Stapelia

If you want a stubby plant that’s too hard to look after, then this one is perfect for you. The blooms look like starfish, which also makes it stand out from the other plants on this list.

Look at the Best Flowering Cactus 

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