Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over: 10 Reasons and Solutions

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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If your Snake Plant’s Leaves are Falling Over, there must be a reason behind it; what can it be? Discover in this post.

Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over

Here are some of the most common reasons behind Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over and how to prevent it to keep it in its health and shape!

Read Orchid Leaves Falling Off? 11 Reasons and Solutions in this Guide

Reasons and Solutions for Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over

1. Overwatering

Overwatering is a common issue that can lead to root rot and weakened stems, causing snake plant leaves to droop, become mushy and fall.

Solution: Adjust your watering routine. Water the snake plant sparingly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry before the next watering session.

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2. Poor Drainage

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Inadequate drainage contributes to waterlogged soil, promoting the decay of roots and making the leaves floppy. Ensure your snake plant is in a pot with drainage holes and have well-draining soil, and consider repotting if the current soil is retaining too much water.

Solution: Repot the snake plant in a well-draining mix and add perlite or sand to improve soil aeration.

3. Insufficient Light

Snake plants thrive in indirect light, but extremely low-light conditions can lead to weak growth, and leaves bend over to the direction of light. If your plant is not receiving enough light, it may struggle to maintain an upright posture.

Solution: Place the snake plant in a location with bright, indirect light and rotate your plant weekly. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

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4. Nutrient Deficiency

A lack of essential nutrients, particularly nitrogen, can result in weak, falling leaves. Snake plants are generally low-maintenance, but they still require some nutrients for optimal growth.

Solution: Feed the snake plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season, following the recommended dosage on the product label.

5. Pests

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Pests like spider mites or mealybugs can weaken the plant’s vitality, leading to, again, not-so-upright leaves. Check the plant regularly for signs of infestation.

Solution: Treat any pest issues promptly by wiping the leaves or using neem oil or insecticidal soap, and isolate the plant if necessary to prevent the pests from spreading. However, it’s rare for a snake plant to have a severe pest infestation.

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6. Root Bound Conditions


An overcrowded or undersized pot can limit root development, impacting the overall health of the plant and causing the leaves to lean or fall over.

When a snake plant outgrows its pot, the roots can become bound and compacted, leading to restricted nutrient absorption and structural support.

Solution: Periodically check the root system, and if you see many pups emerging, growing, and competing with the mother plant, separate them by repotting into a new container.

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7. Temperature Extremes

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Exposure to extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can stress the snake plant and result in limp or falling foliage.

Solution: Keep the snake plant in a stable temperature range between 60-90°F (15-32°C) and protect it from drafts, sudden temperature fluctuations, or too much heat stress.

8. Inconsistent Watering

Irregular watering, alternating between periods of drought and then excessive moisture, can lead to stress and cause the leaves to droop.

Solution: Establish a consistent watering schedule; once your plant’s growing medium seems dry, water without waiting for more days.

9. Natural Aging

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As snake plants grow, older leaves at the bottom may naturally decline and fall over. This is a normal part of the plant’s life cycle.

Solution: Trim away yellowing or withering leaves at the base of the plant to redirect energy to new growth. Regular pruning can help maintain a tidy appearance.

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10. Transplant Shock

After repotting or dividing, the plant takes time to become upright again due to transplant shock, which can lead to leaf drop and stunted growth for some days, but it’s temporary.

Solution: Just wait and keep your snake at a location that won’t put it under stress and provide stability. Avoid too sunny or a cold spot, for example.

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