Rubber Plant Leaves Curling and Falling Off? 9 Reasons and Solutions

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Are you worried about Rubber Plant Leaves Curling and Falling Off? Find easy tips to revive the plant’s health and beauty in this helpful guide.

Not sure why your Rubber Plant Leaves Curling and Falling Off? Don’t worry! We have all the reasons behind it with their solutions!

Check out 16 Types of Rubber Plants here

Rubber Plant Leaves Curling and Falling Off – Reasons and Solutions

1. Insufficient Watering

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One common reason for rubber plant leaves curling and falling off is inadequate watering. Overwatering or underwatering can both lead to stress in the plant, resulting in the foliage falling off.

What to do – To ensure proper hydration, check the moisture level of the soil regularly. Stick your finger about an inch deep into the soil; if it feels dry, it’s time to water. When watering, make sure the excess water drains out completely, as waterlogged soil can cause root rot.

Here are the best ways to water plants

2. Insufficient Humidity


Rubber plants are native to tropical regions and thrive in high humidity. Dry indoor environments, especially during winter or in centrally heated rooms, can cause leaf curling and dropping.

What to do – Increase humidity levels by placing a tray filled with water near the plant or using a humidifier. Regularly misting the leaves can also provide a moisture boost.

Here are 10 Ways To Increase Humidity For Houseplants That Work

3. Improper Lighting Conditions

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Inadequate or excessive light can stress your rubber plant, leading to leaf issues. Rubber plants prefer bright, indirect light. If placed in direct sunlight, the leaves may curl and scorch.

Conversely, if kept in a dimly lit area, the plant may struggle to photosynthesize, resulting in weak growth and leaf drop.

What to do – Find a suitable location where your rubber plant receives bright, filtered light for 4-5 hours a day.

Check Rubber Tree Plant Care here

4. Pest Infestation


Pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids can cause significant damage to rubber plants, leading to curling leaves and leaf drops.

What to do – Inspect your plant regularly for any signs of pests, such as webbing, sticky residue, or tiny insects. If detected, treat the infestation promptly with appropriate organic or chemical solutions to prevent further damage.

Click here to learn the Amazing Natural Pesticide Recipe that can Kill any Pest

5. Temperature Stress

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High temperatures and heat stress can cause excessive water loss through transpiration in your rubber plant’s leaves as it tries to cool itself. This increased evaporation can lead to upward or inward leaf curling, which helps reduce water loss and maintain the plant’s hydration.

Conversely, cold drafts and freezing temperatures can also result in leaf curling as a protective adaptation against rapid thawing during frost. Look out for signs such as yellowing, whitish, black, or brown discoloration, sudden browning overnight, drooping, wilting, and leaf scorching, which indicate the presence of cold drafts.

It’s important to monitor and regulate the temperature around your rubber plant to prevent heat or cold stress, as these extreme conditions can contribute to leaf curling and negatively impact the overall health of the plant.

What to do – To maintain the optimal health of your rubber plant, it thrives best in temperatures ranging from 75 to 80°F (24-27°C) during the day and around 60 to 65°F (15.6-18°C) at night. It is crucial to avoid exposing the plant to temperatures below 55°F (10°C) and sudden fluctuations.

During hot summer months or in cold regions, it is advisable to relocate your plants to a shaded area to protect them from excessive heat or cold. Keep them away from heat-emitting appliances or vents to prevent temperature extremes.

In colder winters, ensure that any outdoor rubber plants are moved indoors or safeguarded from open doors or windows. It is also essential to keep them away from direct exposure to air conditioning vents, as this can lead to temperature imbalances that may affect the plant’s well-being.

6. Stress from Re-Potting or Environmental Changes


Rubber plants can experience temporary stress after re-potting or significant environmental changes. During this adjustment period, the leaves may curl and drop.

What to do – When repotting a rubber plant, make sure to choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one. Use a well-draining soil mix specifically formulated for houseplants. Avoid overpotting, as excess soil can hold too much moisture, leading to root rot.

Re-potting can cause stress to a rubber plant because it disrupts the root system. To minimize shock, handle the plant gently, avoiding damage to the roots. Water the plant well before re-potting to help ease it out of the old pot and into the new one.

Here is all you need to know about repotting indoor plants correctly

7. Nutrient Deficiencies

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Lack of essential nutrients can weaken the rubber plant, leading to leaf curling and dropping. Ensure your plant receives a balanced fertilizer with the right ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

What to do – Regularly feed your rubber plant with all-purpose liquid plant food or slow-release fertilizer during the growing season according to the package instructions to promote healthy foliage growth. You can also use a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/2 of its strength, once in 6-8 weeks.

Want to Make Organic Fertilizers from Kitchen Scraps? Click here

8. Root Bound


Rubber plants can outgrow their pots and become root bound, which restricts their ability to absorb nutrients and water. If your plant has become root bound, it may show signs of stress, including leaf curling and leaf drop.

What to do – Re-pot your rubber plant into a pot one size larger than the old one with fresh, well-draining soil. Do it when you see the signs of roots on the topsoil or notice them coming out from the drainage hole at the bottom of the container.

9. Natural Aging

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As your rubber plant ages, it is common for a few older leaves to curl, turn yellow, and eventually brown naturally. This is a normal part of the plant’s life cycle, and there is no cause for concern.

What to do – Simply trim off any yellow leaves to maintain the overall aesthetics of the plant.

Check How to Grow Baby Rubber Plant here

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