19 Most Beautiful Pink Birds in The World

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Pink Birds have a subtle charm, thanks to the light yet charming hue in their wings and body! Here are the most stunning ones! 

Not only do these pink birds look stunning, but they also play a vital role in balancing the ecosystem. This article will showcase the best ones with a salmon hue!

Check out the foolish birds in the world here

Beautiful Pink Birds

1. American Flamingo

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Scientific Name: Phoenicopterus ruber

The American Flamingo has vibrant pink plumage, long pink legs, and black-tipped wings. These graceful birds live in flocks.

2. Pink Headed Fruit Dove


Scientific Name: Ptilinopus porphyreus

These pink birds are native to Indonesia and stand out with their beautiful purple-pink head, making them a delightful sight for bird enthusiasts.

3. Roseate Spoonbill

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Scientific Name: Platalea ajaja

Roseate Spoonbill has a unique spoon-like beak that it uses to grab fish, crustaceans, and other small aquatic creatures.

4. Pink Cockatoo


Scientific Name: Lophochroa leadbeateri

Also popular as Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo, these pink birds have soft white and salmon-pink feathers. You can always spot them in pairs!

5. Greater Flamingo

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Scientific Name: Phoenicopterus roseus

This pink bird has bright pink plumage and is the largest of the flamingos. They are omnivorous, feeding on small organisms such as plankton, fish, fly larvae, and crustaceans.

Check out birds with white stripes on their wings here 

6. Lesser Flamingo


Scientific Name: Phoeniconaias minor

Lesser Flamingos are slightly smaller than the greater flamingo, with bright pink plumage and a unique downward-bowing beak.

7. Chilean Flamingo

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Scientific Name: Phoenicopterus chilensis

The Chilean Flamingo is a captivating species with a light pink body color and striking dark pink and black wings. They are common in South America.

8. Pink-Headed Warbler

Scientific Name: Cardellina versicolor

The pink-headed warbler is a common, medium-sized woodpecker with a vivid pink head and chest. This species is vulnerable to extinction.

9. Andean Flamingo

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Scientific Name: Phoenicoparrus andinus

The Andean flamingo has yellow legs, light pink feathers, and a large, black triangle on its back. Also, it is native to the Andes mountain range in South America.

10. Puna Flamingo


Scientific Name: Phoenicoparrus jamesi

Puna Flamingo is native to the Andes mountains in South America. It is distinguished by a pink band on each of its legs, along with neck and tail.

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11. Rosy Faced Lovebird

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Scientific Name: Agapornis roseicollis

Originally from southwest Africa, this pink bird is now common in the United States. The contrasting pink head makes it really eye-catching!

12. Brown Capped Rosy-Finch


Scientific Name: Leucosticte australis

It is a medium-sized bird with faded pink highlights on its wings. They are common in the high alpine areas, particularly in Colorado.

13. Black Rosy-Finch

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Scientific Name: Leucosticte atrata

Black rosy finches exhibit black plumage with a subtle touch of pink, and they primarily inhabit rocky, mountainous regions.

14. Himalayan Rose Finch

Scientific Name: Carpodacus thura

The male birds of this species have pink plumage streaked with rich brown hues on their backs and lilac pink on their cheeks, creating a striking appearance.

15. Bourke’s Parakeet

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Scientific Name: Neopsephotus bourkii

It is a light-color, nocturnal parrot with soft pink feathers on its back and black-edged wings. These birds are very friendly, and you can also keep them as pets.

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16. Pink Robin

Scientific Name: Petroica rodinogaster

It is a small passerine bird native to southeastern Australia. The bird has a beautiful pink breast and abdomen.

17. White-Winged Crossbill

Scientific Name: Loxia leucoptera

This bird has a delightful pink upper body with black wings and a tail. It is really adept at picking out seeds from cones.

18. Rose-Breasted Cockatoo (Galah)


Scientific Name: Eolophus roseicapilla

It is one of the most colorful creatures in the world, thanks to its brilliant pink hue on the upper body. It is a social bird loved by bird enthusiasts for its intelligence and charm.

19. Moluccan Cockatoo (Salmon-crested Cockatoo)

Scientific Name: Cacatua moluccensis

These pink birds have a salmon color on their body with a rich red hue on feathers. They are also famous for loud calls and strong bonds with humans.

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