How to Grow Unlimited Monstera Adansonnii from Cuttings | Monstera Adansonii Propagation

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Learn How to Grow Unlimited Monstera Adansonnii from Cuttings easily with these Monstera Adansonii Propagation tricks!

If you’re looking to expand your collection of Swiss Cheese Plants, then here are the best tips and methods on How to Grow Unlimited Monstera Adansonnii from Cuttings!

Check out the Best Types of Monstera Adansonii Varieties here

How Long Will It Take to Propagate Monstera Adansonii from Cuttings

he propagation time for Monstera adansonii, commonly known as Swiss Cheese Vine, can vary depending on various factors such as the propagation method and environmental conditions.

Generally, you can expect to see root development within 3 to 8 weeks after planting the stem cutting in the soil.

It’s important to note that these are approximate timeframes, and individual propagation times can vary. Factors such as temperature, humidity, light levels, and the overall health of the cutting can influence the speed of root development. Providing a warm and humid environment, consistent moisture, and indirect light can help promote faster rooting.

Check the best Variegated Monstera Varieties here

Propagating Monstera Adansonii From Cuttings in Water

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  • Choose a healthy stem: Look for a healthy stem with at least two nodes, which are the points where the leaves emerge.
  • Make a clean cut: Using clean and sharp pruning shears, make a clean cut just below a node. Remove any lower leaves, leaving a few inches of bare stem at the bottom.
  • Place in water: Fill a clean jar or container with water and submerge the stem in it. Ensure that the nodes are submerged while the leaves remain above the water level.
  • Provide proper conditions: Place the jar in a warm and bright location, but avoid direct sunlight. Maintain a consistent temperature around the plant for optimal growth.
  • Monitor the water level: Check the water level regularly and ensure it covers the nodes. Replace the water every few days to prevent the growth of algae and maintain cleanliness.

Learn Tips and Tricks to Grow a Big & Bold Monstera here

Propagating Monstera Adansonii from Cuttings in Soil


The process of growing the plant is the same as water. The only difference is the growing medium, which changes from water to soil. 

After taking the cutting, plant it in a potting mix made up of the following:

  • Start with a base of approximately 60% peat moss. It serves as the primary ingredient, retaining moisture while allowing proper drainage.
  • Add about 20% perlite to enhance drainage and prevent waterlogging.
  • Include around 10% orchid bark or pine bark to improve aeration and provide structure to the mix.
  • Incorporate approximately 10% compost or organic matter for nutrient enrichment.
  • If desired, you can also replace peat moss with coco coir to improve moisture retention and enhance soil structure.
  • You can also grow it in pure (100%) peat moss or coco coir too.

Place the pot in a warm and bright location, away from direct sunlight. Maintain a consistent temperature and provide adequate airflow for the cutting. Keep the soil slightly moist but not overly saturated. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.

You can cover the plant with a clear bag or plastic wrap. However, it’s important to remove the covering when watering to prevent the soil from becoming excessively wet and causing root rot.

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Propagating Monstera Adansonii by Air Layering

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  • Select a healthy stem on the mother plant that has an aerial root and a node. The node is where the new roots will develop.
  • With a clean, sharp knife or a sterilized blade, make a small vertical incision just below the node. Be careful not to cut all the way through the stem.
  • Place a small amount of moist sphagnum moss or a well-draining medium, such as a mixture of peat moss and perlite, around the incision. Make sure the moss is securely in place and covers the node.
  • Wrap the moss and the node with plastic wrap or a plastic bag to create a mini greenhouse. Seal it well to retain moisture.
  • Monitor the moisture level of the moss periodically and mist it if it starts to dry out. The goal is to keep the moss consistently moist but not overly saturated.
  • Over time, new roots will emerge from the node and grow into the moss. This process can take several weeks to a few months, depending on the plant’s growth rate.
  • Once you see a good amount of root development, carefully cut below the node, separating the new rooted cutting from the mother plant.
  • Plant the rooted cutting in a well-draining potting mix, making sure to keep the new roots intact.

Learn Tips and Tricks to Grow a Big & Bold Monstera here

Propagating Monstera Adansonii From Layering 

Simple layering is a propagation technique where a section of the stem is bent down and buried in soil while still attached to the parent plant. Here’s how it works:

  • Select a healthy and flexible stem that can be bent easily without breaking.
  • Gently wound or scrape a small section of the stem’s outer layer to expose the cambium layer, which promotes root growth.
  • Dig a small hole in the soil next to the parent plant and bury the wounded section of the stem, leaving the remaining portion exposed.
  • Secure the buried section of the stem with a stake or wire to keep it in place.
  • Over time, the buried section will develop roots. Once sufficient root growth is observed, you can cut the stem from the parent plant and transplant it as a new individual.

Simple layering involves bending a stem down and burying it in soil, while air layering involves creating a rooting environment for a stem section without burying it in soil. Both methods allow the plant to develop roots while still attached to the parent plant, resulting in a new individual that can be separated and grown independently.

Learn One Brilliant Monstera Growing Super Hack To Boost Its Growth here

Propagating Monstera Adansonii From Division

  • Choose a specimen that displays vigorous growth and overall health. Remember, healthy parent plants yield successful divisions.
  • Water the Monstera adansonii thoroughly a day or two prior to division. This step ensures the soil is suitably moist, facilitating easier separation and minimizing stress on the plant.
  • Gently and meticulously remove the Monstera adansonii from its current pot, handling the roots with care. Preserve as much of the root system as possible during the extraction process.
  • Utilize impeccably clean pruning shears or a sharp knife to divide the plant. Pristine tools minimize the risk of infection and minimize damage to the plant during separation.
  • Assess the root ball and discern appropriate sections for separation. Each division should consist of its own set of stems, leaves, and a portion of the root system. Maintain confidence and decisiveness during this crucial step.
  • Place each division in its designated container, ensuring the roots are positioned correctly and covered with fresh, well-draining potting mix. Firmly secure the soil around the roots for stability.
  • Maintain consistent moisture levels while avoiding overwatering. Position the divisions in an ideal location with bright, indirect light.

Assume the role of a vigilant nurturer and keep an eye on the newly propagated divisions to ensure they get the best care.

Growing Monstera Adansonnii from Cuttings – FAQs

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1. Can I propagate Monstera adansonii in water?

Yes, Monstera adansonii can be propagated in water. Simply take a stem cutting with a node and place it in a container of water. Change the water regularly to prevent stagnation and wait for roots to develop before transferring the cutting to the soil.

2. How long does it take for Monstera adansonii cuttings to root?

The rooting process for Monstera adansonii cuttings typically takes around 2 to 4 weeks. However, individual growth rates may vary depending on environmental conditions, such as light and temperature, as well as the overall health of the cutting.

3. What is the ideal potting mix for propagating Monstera adansonii?

An ideal potting mix for Monstera adansonii propagation consists of well-draining ingredients such as peat moss, perlite, orchid bark, or pine bark. This mix provides a balance of moisture retention and aeration, promoting healthy root development.

4. Can I propagate Monstera adansonii from leaf cuttings?

No, Monstera adansonii is typically propagated from stem cuttings rather than leaf cuttings. Leaf cuttings do not have the ability to develop roots and grow into new plants. Stem cuttings with at least one node are the preferred method for successful propagation.

5. How do I care for newly propagated Monstera adansonii to ensure successful growth?

After propagating Monstera adansonii, it’s important to provide the right conditions for successful growth. Place the cutting in a location with bright, indirect light, and maintain consistent moisture in the soil without overwatering. Gradually acclimate the new plant to its surroundings and ensure it has proper humidity and temperature levels.

6. What is the best time of the year in America to start the propagation process of Monstera Adansonii?

The best time is typically during the spring or summer months. This is when the plant is in its active growth phase, and environmental conditions are more conducive to root development. The warm temperatures and increased daylight during these seasons provide optimal conditions for successful propagation.

Starting the propagation process in spring or summer allows the newly propagated plant to take advantage of the natural growth cycle and establish itself before the dormant period or colder months arrive. The availability of abundant sunlight and warmth promote faster root development and overall growth.

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