Licuala Grandis Care and Growing Guide

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Licuala Grandis is a tropical beauty with large, fan-like leaves! Here’s all you need to know about helping it thrive year-round!

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Licuala Grandis – a plant that stands out with its large, fan-shaped leaves that can make it a focal point of any room! A spectacular specimen for anyone seeking a “foresty vibe” at home.

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Licuala Grandis Information

Licuala Grandis, commonly known as the Ruffled Fan Palm, is native to the South Pacific’s Solomon Islands and Vanuatu rainforests. The foliage is large, glossy, and almost circular, contributing to its unique and attractive appearance.

Each leaf can grow up to 15- 20 inches in diameter and have a fan-like configuration, earning it the name “Ruffled Fan Palm.”

Indoors, the plant can grow up to a height of 4 to 6 feet, though it can grow taller under optimal conditions.

Propagating Ruffled Fan Palm Indoors

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The best way to propagate this plant is by seeds. Obtain fresh ones from a reliable source and soak them in warm water for 24-48 hours. This helps to soften the seed coat and promote germination.

Now, fill a pot with a  combination of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite, or you can go for any good quality seed starting mix. Plant the seeds shallowly, about 0.5 inches (1.25 cm) deep, and water using a spray bottle. Keep the pot where it gets indirect light, and cover it using a plastic bag.

The seeds will germinate in 3-5 weeks.

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Best Pot Size for Licuala Grandis Indoors

Start with a pot 6-8 inches in diameter for young plants. Based on the growth and spread, re-pot it in a 1-2 size bigger pot every 2-4 years. This should be done during spring or early summer when the palm is still growing.

Requirements for Growing Licuala Grandis Indoors



Thanks to the large surface area of the leaves, Licuala Grandis can easily get damaged by prolonged direct sunlight exposure, as it can scorch them, causing them to turn brown and lose their lush appearance.

Placing the plant near an east or north-facing window, where it receives gentle morning sunlight, is ideal.


Avoid using 100% garden soil if you look forward to having large, shiny leaves. Go for:

  • Peat Moss or Coconut Coir (50%): Helps retain moisture without becoming waterlogged.
  • Perlite or Pumice (30%): These inorganic components improve aeration and drainage.
  • Composted Bark or Leaf Mold (20%): Adds organic matter and nutrients to the soil. You can also add a bit of manure to it.

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Before watering, check the top inch of the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to moisten the growing medium. Remember that it is always better to underwater than to overwater Licuala Grandis, as it can lead to root rot.

Pro Tip: Use room temperature water. If tap water is hard or contains chemicals like chlorine, consider using filtered or rainwater to prevent leaf tip burn.

Temperature and Humidity

The best temperature window for Licuala Grandis is 15°C to 28°C or 58°F to 82 °F. Temperatures below 10°C (50°F) or above 30°C (86°F) can stress the plant, leading to poor growth or damage.

Also, keep it away from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes, as it is sensitive to cold.

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Licuala Grandis Indoors Care

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Feed the plant a balanced liquid fertilizer after diluting it to 1/4 of its strength once in 3-4 weeks. It will give it the right boost without damaging the roots.

Do not feed the plant in cold months.

Cleaning the Foliage

Over time, the large leaves of Licuala Grandis can accumulate a layer of dirt, dust, and other particulates. Using a damp cotton cloth, gently wipe the foliage every now and then to keep it clean and shiny – it will also help make the leaves appear more vibrant.

Cleaning the foliage ensures maximum light absorption, which is crucial for photosynthesis.

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Common Pests and Diseases

If you have Licuala Grandis, you should know it can be infested with spider mites, mealybugs, and other pests, even indoors. Check the leaves top and bottom regularly for any signs of pests, like webbing, stains, or tiny bugs.

Don’t wait if you find any. Grab a mild insecticide like neem oil to eliminate the bugs and keep your palm healthy.

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