Jet Star Tomato Information and Growing Guide

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Read in detail about Jet Star Tomato Information, from their growth habits and care tips to their flavor profile.

Jet Star Tomato 1

Jet Star Tomato is highly versatile and suitable for various culinary applications. It is excellent for fresh eating in salads, sandwiches, or sliced on its own. Let’s have a look at how to grow it.

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Jet Star Tomato Information

The Jet Star Tomato was developed by Dr. M.C. Rick, a renowned plant breeder at the University of New Hampshire. It was introduced in 1969 as a result of crossbreeding different tomato varieties to create a hybrid with desirable characteristics.

These are indeterminate plants, meaning they continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the growing season. They typically reach a height of around 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 meters). The plants require staking or support to keep them upright due to their vigorous growth.

Jet Star Tomatoes are medium to large in size and have a round or slightly flattened shape. They have a smooth, glossy skin that ripens to a vibrant red color. The average diameter of the fruit is about 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10.2 centimeters).

One of the notable features of Jet Star Tomatoes is their delicious flavor. They are known for their well-balanced taste, combining sweetness with a subtle tangy undertone. The flavor is often described as rich, juicy, and with a good balance of acidity.

Check out Seedless Tomato Varieties here

Propagating Jet Star Tomatoes

Jet Star tomatoes can be propagated through seeds or by taking stem cuttings, but growing them from seeds is the best and easiest way.

  • Obtain Jet Star tomato seeds either from a reputable seed supplier or save them from mature, ripe Jet Star tomatoes.
  • Start the seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date in your area. Use seed-starting trays or pots filled with a seed-starting mix.
  • Plant the seeds approximately 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) deep in the soil and lightly cover them.
  • Keep the soil consistently moist and provide warmth (around 70-80°F or 21-27°C) for germination.
  • Once the seedlings have developed a couple of true leaves, transplant them into individual pots.

Check PRO Tricks to Grow the Tastiest Tomatoes in Your Garden here

Requirements for Growing Jet Star Tomato


Jet Star tomatoes require full sun exposure for at least 6 to 8 hours a day. Choose a location in your garden that receives ample sunlight to promote healthy growth and fruit development.


Jet Star tomatoes prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Prepare the soil by incorporating compost or well-rotted manure to improve fertility and drainage. The soil pH should be slightly acidic to neutral, ideally around 6.0 to 7.0.

Here is the Best Potting Soil for Tomatoes


Tomatoes need consistent watering to maintain evenly moist soil. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely between waterings, as this can lead to stress and affect fruit production.

Water the plants deeply, ensuring the water reaches the root zone. Aim to provide around 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) of water per week, adjusting based on weather conditions.

Here are the best ways to water plants


Jet Star tomatoes thrive in warm weather and are typically grown as annuals in most regions of the United States. The optimal temperature range for growing Jet Star tomatoes is between 70°F and 85°F (21°C and 29°C).

Avoid planting them outside until all frost danger has passed, as they are susceptible to cold damage.

Check Tomatoes for Sandwiches here

Jet Star Tomato Care

Jet Star Tomato 2


Use a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 or 14-14-14 NPK blend. Apply the fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions, usually every few weeks (Once in 6-8 weeks) during the growing season.

Here are 19 of the Best Homemade Fertilizers for Tomatoes

Alternatively, you can use organic fertilizers like compost or well-rotted manure to enrich the soil.

Frost Protection

Jet Star tomatoes are not tolerant of frost. If you live in an area with late spring frosts, consider starting the seeds indoors or using protective coverings like cloches or row covers to safeguard the plants until the danger of frost has passed.


Since Jet Star tomatoes are indeterminate, they benefit from staking or caging to provide support for their vigorous growth. Install stakes or cages at planting time to prevent the plants from sprawling on the ground and to improve air circulation.

Here are 27 DIY Tomato Cage, Trellis & Stake Ideas

Common Pests:

  • Aphids: These small, soft-bodied insects suck the sap from the stems and leaves of Spoon Tomatoes. They can also spread plant viruses.
  • Tomato Hornworms: These large caterpillars eat foliage, stems, and tomatoes.
  • Whiteflies: These small white insects feed on the underside of leaves and excrete a sticky substance called honeydew.
  • Mites: These tiny arachnids suck the sap from the undersides of the leaves, causing yellowing and browning.

Click here to learn the Amazing Natural Pesticide Recipe that can Kill any Pest

Common Diseases:

  • Early Blight: This fungal disease causes dark spots to form on the leaves and stems of Jet Star tomatoes.
  • Late Blight: This fungal disease causes brown spots to form on the leaves and stems.
  • Fusarium Wilt: This fungal disease causes the leaves to wilt and die.
  • Verticillium Wilt: This fungal disease causes the leaves to turn yellow, wilt, and die.

Harvesting Jet Star Tomatoes 


The time it takes for Jet Star tomatoes to mature and be ready for harvest can vary, but on average, it takes approximately 70 to 80 days from the time of planting the seeds. 

  • Jet Star tomatoes are ready for harvest when they have reached their mature color, which is a vibrant red for this variety. The tomatoes should feel firm but slightly yielding to gentle pressure.
  • To harvest the tomatoes, use a gentle twisting motion to detach them from the vine. Alternatively, you can use sharp garden shears or pruners to snip the stem just above the calyx (the green, leafy part), where it connects to the fruit.
  • If you’re not using the tomatoes immediately, store them at room temperature in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Avoid stacking or overcrowding them to prevent bruising.

Check Best Tasting Tomatoes for Your Cuisines here

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