These Indoor Coleus Pictures are surely going to tempt you into including this colorful indoor plant in your houseplant collection!
If you want a houseplant that stays colorful in both sun and shade, then look no further than the wonderful coleus! Here are some marvelous Indoor Coleus Pictures to help you pick one for your home!
Here are the best Coleus varieties you can grow
Beautiful Indoor Coleus Pictures
1. Inferno
2. Wizard Velvet Red
3. Black Dragon
4. Henna Red
5. Sky Fire
6. Fishnet Stockings
7. Fairway Mosaic
8. Wizard Jade
9. Wizard Scarlet
10. Superfine Rainbow
11. Giant Exhibition
12. Coral Sunrise
13. Main Street Ruby Road
14. Haines
15. Painted Nettles
16. Stinging Nettle
17. Blumei Hybrid
18. Black Prince
19. Coleus Cuttings on a Windowsill
20. Colorful Coleus on Table
21. Potted Green Delight!
22. Electric Lime
23. Pink Coleus on a Windowsill
24. Potted Maroon Coleus on a Table
25. Magical Pink
26. Tall Coleus on a Table
So beautiful Coleus!