How to Propagate String of Hearts | String of Heart Propagation

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Learn How to Propagate String of Hearts plant – a stunning trailing succulent, highly popular among indoor plant enthusiasts.

How to Propagate String of Hearts 1
Imagine multiplying the beauty of this unique succulent vine, adored for its heart-shaped leaves and trailing tendrils, without spending a dime! Intrigued? Keep reading to find out simple yet effective methods on How to Propagate String of Hearts plant and amplify your green space.

String of Hearts Plant Care and How to Grow It

Best Time to Grow String of Hearts

1. Zones 4-6 (Cold Winters)

  • Growing Ceropegia woodii indoors is the most suitable option in these zones.
  • Start the propagation process by taking stem cuttings and follow the steps mentioned earlier for stem cuttings.
  • Place the cuttings in a well-draining potting mix and keep them indoors in a warm and bright location.
  • Maintain temperatures above 60°F (15°C) and provide bright, indirect light.
  • Regularly monitor the moisture levels and water the plant when the top inch of the soil feels dry.
  • Ceropegia woodii can thrive in a range of indoor temperatures, but it prefers temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C).

2. Zones 7-8 (Mild Winters)

  • Growing Ceropegia woodii indoors or in containers is still the safest option in these zones, especially during the winter months.
  • Start the propagation process by taking stem cuttings following the steps mentioned earlier.
  • During the warmer months, you can place the potted plant outdoors in a location with bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Monitor temperature changes and bring the plant indoors when temperatures drop below 50°F (10°C) or when frost is expected.
  • Maintain care and conditions as mentioned for indoor cultivation in zones 4-6.

Learn String of Turtles Plant Care and Growing Information here

3. Zones 9-11 (Warm and Mild Winters)

  • Ceropegia woodii can be grown outdoors year-round in these zones as the climate remains warm.
  • Start the propagation process by taking stem cuttings and follow the steps mentioned earlier.
  • Plant the cuttings directly in the ground or in outdoor containers filled with well-draining soil.
  • Choose a location with bright, indirect sunlight or partial shade for optimal growth.
  • Provide regular watering, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.
  • Protect the plants from extreme heat or direct afternoon sun, especially in hotter months.

How to Propagate String of Hearts Through Cuttings


It is generally recommended to let the stems of Ceropegia woodii (also known as String of Hearts) callus before propagating them from cuttings. Callusing is the process of forming a protective tissue layer over the cut end of a stem, which helps prevent excess moisture loss and reduce the risk of infection.

1. Select a Healthy Stem

Choose a mature stem that is at least a few inches long. Ensure it has several pairs of leaves along its length. Use a sharp, sterilized knife or scissors to make a clean cut just below a leaf node (the point where the leaf is attached to the stem).

2. Allow the Cutting to Callus

Place the cut end of the stem in a warm and dry location with good airflow. Let it sit for a few days to a week, allowing a callus to form over the cut surface. This callus helps protect the cutting and minimize the risk of rot or disease.

3. Prepare the Rooting Medium

While the cutting is callusing, prepare a well-draining rooting medium. A mix of perlite and peat moss or a succulent/cactus potting mix works well.

Have a look at the Best String Succulents that Hang here

4. Plant the Cutting

After the callus has formed, insert the callused end of the cutting into the rooting medium, burying the lower nodes. Make sure the leaves are kept above the soil surface.

5. Provide Appropriate Conditions

Place the potted cutting in a warm, bright location with indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. Keep the soil slightly moist but not overly wet.

Over time, roots will begin to develop from the buried nodes of the cutting. This can take several weeks to a couple of months. Be patient and avoid disturbing the cutting during this time.

Propagating String of Hearts In Water

How to Propagate String of Hearts 2

  • Propagating String of Hearts in water is a popular method that is easy and fun to do. Here’s how to do it:
  • First, take a healthy String of Hearts plant and carefully remove a few stems from the plant.
  • Cut the stems into sections that are about 2-3 inches long, making sure that each section has at least one node (a small bump on the stem where the leaves emerge).
  • Fill a glass jar or vase with fresh, clean water.
  • Place the cuttings into the water, making sure that the nodes are submerged.
  • Place the jar or vase in a bright location but away from direct sunlight.
  • Change the water every few days, and within a few weeks, you will see roots forming on the cuttings.
  • Once the roots are about an inch long, you can transplant the cuttings into the soil.

Propagate Any Plant Cutting Quickly Using this Trick

Propagating String of Hearts Through Tubers


Propagation of String of Hearts through tubers is a less common but effective method of propagating the plant. Here are the steps to propagate String of Hearts through tubers:

  • Take a healthy String of Hearts plant and carefully remove the tubers from the soil.
  • Cut the tubers into sections that are about an inch long, making sure that each section has at least one node.
  • Dust the cut end of each tuber with rooting hormone powder.
  • Fill a small pot with well-draining soil.
  • Make a small hole in the soil and insert the tuber section into the hole, making sure that the node is buried in the soil.
  • Water the soil lightly and place the pot in a bright location but away from direct sunlight.
  • Within a few weeks, you will see new growth on the tubers, which is a sign that roots have formed.
  • Once the new plant has been established, you can transplant it into a larger pot with well-draining soil.

Beautiful Types of String of Hearts Varieties

Propagation of String of Hearts Through Leaves

While less common, Ceropegia woodii can also be propagated from individual leaves. Here’s how:

  • Select a healthy leaf from the plant, ensuring it has a short stem attached.
  • Allow the cut end of the leaf to callus for a few days.
  • Plant the callused end of the leaf in a well-draining rooting medium.
  • Keep the soil slightly moist and provide bright, indirect light.
  • New plantlets will develop from the base of the leaf, forming roots and shoots.

How Long Does It Take to Propagate String of Hearts from Cuttings

How to Propagate String of Hearts 3

The time it takes to propagate Ceropegia woodii from cuttings can vary depending on various factors such as environmental conditions, care provided, and the specific characteristics of the plant. Generally, it takes several weeks to a few months for Ceropegia woodii cuttings to develop roots and establish as new plants. Here’s a rough timeline of the propagation process:

  1. Callus Formation: After taking the stem cuttings and allowing them to callus for a few days, you can proceed with planting them in a rooting medium.
  2. Root Development: It usually takes a few weeks for the cuttings to develop roots. During this time, it’s essential to provide the appropriate conditions, including proper moisture, warmth, and indirect light.
  3. Establishment: Once the roots have formed, the cuttings will gradually establish themselves as new plants. This period can range from a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on the overall health of the cuttings and environmental factors.

Have a look at the most beautiful types of String of Pearls here

Best Potting Mix for Growing String of Hearts from Cuttings

When it comes to selecting a potting mix for growing Ceropegia woodii from cuttings, it’s important to choose a well-draining mix that provides adequate moisture retention and nutrient availability. Here’s a recommendation for a suitable potting mix:

  1. Succulent/Cactus Potting Mix: Ceropegia woodii belongs to the succulent family and has similar care requirements. Therefore, using a succulent or cactus potting mix is a good choice. These mixes are typically formulated to provide excellent drainage and aeration while retaining some moisture.

You can purchase a pre-made succulent/cactus potting mix from a garden center or create your own by combining the following components:

  • 2 parts well-draining soil or potting mix: This could be a combination of regular potting soil and perlite or pumice to enhance drainage.
  • 1 part coarse sand: Adding coarse sand helps improve aeration and drainage in the mix.
  • 1 part organic matter: Incorporating organic matter like coconut coir or compost helps retain some moisture while providing nutrients.

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