How to Grow Roses from Bouquets?

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Learn all about How to Grow Roses from Bouquets easily and use the cuttings to grow new plants and have them for free!

We all get bouquets on special occasions, and the ones with roses are the favorite of us all! So the next time you toss it into a dustbin, think twice, as you can use it to grow new plants! Surprised? Don’t be! Learn all about How to Grow Roses from Bouquets!

Here are the best flowers you can grow from Bouquets

Which Roses Propagate Easily from Bouquets?

When propagating roses from bouquets, Heirloom, and shrub roses, such as Rosa rugosa, Rosa gallica, and Rosa canina, are known for their hardy nature and strong genetic traits, making them ideal candidates for propagation from cuttings. Modern hybrids such as hybrid teas, floribundas, and some grandifloras may also propagate well.

Conversely, miniature roses, climbing roses, and varieties with weak disease resistance or less vigorous growth, such as ‘Peace’ and ‘New Dawn’, can be more challenging to root from bouquets. Do your research on specific varieties to optimize the chances of successful propagation.

How to Grow Roses from Bouquets?

1. Prepare Cuttings

Select a healthy cutting from the bouquet, ensuring it has at least 2-4 growth nodes or joints and shows no signs of wilting or brown discoloration in the middle of the stem. Remove all leaves, and detach the main flower to allow the plant to concentrate its energy on root development.

Make a cut just below a node on the stem, which is the point where a set of leaves connects to the stem. After removing the flower, identify the older, woody parts of the stem, as the younger sections do not root as easily. Opt to use the older base of the stem for a better chance at successful rooting.

You may also scratch the sides of the stem near the base to facilitate water absorption and root formation.

2. Rooting Cuttings in Water

Take a 6-8 inches container and fill it with water. Place the prepared cutting into the water, ensuring the bottom 1-2 inches gets completely submerged. Replace the water every few days and wait patiently for several weeks until roots or scar tissue develop.

Once the cuttings have formed roots, transplant them into a pot filled with a rose potting mix or a combination of sand and vermiculite.

3. Rooting Cuttings in Soil

Select a 6-8 inches pot and fill it with a rose potting mix. When rooting a rose cutting in soil, do ensure to dip the cut end into a rooting hormone to boost the chances of successful propagation.

Poke a hole at the center of the medium to accommodate the prepared stem. Carefully insert the stem into the hole, firmly pack the soil around it, and water thoroughly.

Drape a plastic bag loosely over the pot and cuttings, ensuring it does not come into contact with the stem or leaves, as this can lead to fungal diseases. Position the covered pot near a bright window, providing the plant with an optimal environment for growth.


Growing roses from bouquets present a unique set of challenges, as the cuttings have already been removed from the parent plant and have spent some time away from their natural environment. To maximize the success of propagating roses from bouquets, consider the following aftercare tips:

  • Monitor Moisture Levels: Unlike cuttings taken directly from the parent plant, bouquet roses may have experienced water stress. To ensure a smooth transition, water deeply and consistently to keep the soil moist. Roses need at least 1 inch of water per week. If your roses are planted in containers, water them more often, as the soil in containers can dry out quickly.
  • Acclimate Gradually: As the cuttings begin to establish roots and show new growth, gradually acclimate them to their new environment. Start by removing the plastic cover for a few hours each day, and then gradually increase the exposure time. This process will help the new plants adapt to lower humidity levels and reduce the risk of shock.
  • Opt for Gentle Fertilization: Once the cuttings start to develop roots, provide them with a gentle, balanced fertilizer specifically designed for young plants or cuttings. Avoid using strong, synthetic fertilizers that could potentially burn the delicate roots. To promote healthy growth, roses should be fertilized every 4-6 weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Provide Support: As the new rose plants grow, they may need additional support, such as stakes or cages. This is particularly important if the cuttings were taken from long-stemmed varieties, which can be more prone to bending or breaking under their own weight.
  • Prune to Encourage Bushy Growth: Pruning is essential for maintaining the health and shape of roses. Prune your roses in the late winter or early spring to remove any dead or damaged branches.
  • Mulch: Mulching around the base of your roses will help retain moisture and keep weeds from growing. Use a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch such as bark or compost.

Read how to take care of roses in a vase here

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