If a whim hits your mind, try these unique DIY Upside Down Herb Planter projects completed using recycled materials, in this article!
1. Upside-Down Planter
Cut the bottom part of a soda bottle, punch holes on either side and insert a herb plant gently. Check out the post on The Instructables for the help.
2. DIY Hanging Herb Planter
Create these hanging herbs planters for your indoor garden. Cut half the bottles to remove the bottom part, fill it with adequate soil and slide the herbs gently after that. Once done, hang them by means of twine as shown in the picture.
3. DIY Upside-Down Planters
Make use of an old tin can with a lid to create an upside-down herb planter. The tutorial is here.
4. Recycled Soda Bottle Upside Down Planters
Recycle throwable soda bottles and jars in this project. You’ll need a few easy steps, available here.
5. Tin Can Upside-down Herb Planter
A very basic upside-down herb planter project, which you can complete in no time out of an empty tin can.
6. Hanging Herb Garden in Upside Down Planters
Hang a series of upside-down planters and plant herbs in them. The how-to guide is here.
7. Hanging Herbs Upside Down
Choose a planter, drill holes on both sides and attach twine to hang it. The steps are similar to DIYs above.
8. Graphic Planter
Go on with the usual steps of creating a soda bottle topsy-turvy planter and when done, use your creativity to beautify your upside down planters.
This upside-down planting always struck me as cruel. Plants want to grow up. They can feel gravity, and grow against it. Why would I force them into this unnatural position? why not have them in a hanging basked, growing like they want to? I want my plants to be happy, and these don’t look happy.
It is cruel! And just when I think they have had enough I’m going to butcher them and cook their flesh over medium heat and eat them slowly as a garnish on my favorite dish!