Gryphon Begonia Care and Growing Guide

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Discover all secret tips and tricks for shining foliage with our insightful Gryphon Begonia Care and Growing Guide.

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With our Gryphon Begonia Care and Growing Guide, you’ll learn essential tips and techniques to ensure vibrant foliage and flourishing blooms. From ideal lighting conditions to watering strategies, this guide has everything you need to cultivate a thriving Gryphon Begonia collection.

Botanical Name: Begonia x hybrida ‘Gryphon’

USDA Zones: 8 – 10

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Gryphon Begonia Plant Information

Gryphon Begonia, scientifically known as Begonia ‘Gryphon,’ is a popular foliage plant prized for its striking, asymmetrical leaves. It belongs to the Begoniaceae family and is a hybrid cultivar.

Gryphon Begonia is highly esteemed for its unique and eye-catching appearance. It features large, asymmetrical leaves that showcase a stunning combination of colors and textures. The leaves often display shades of silver, green, and maroon, with intricate patterns and veining.

One of the remarkable characteristics of Gryphon Begonia is its ability to produce exquisite foliage without relying on showy flowers. While some begonia varieties are renowned for their blooms, Gryphon Begonia stands out primarily for its stunning leaves.

Gryphon Begonia is known for its resilience and adaptability, making it a popular choice among both beginner and experienced gardeners.

Check out our Begonia Maculata Care and Growing Guide here

Propagating Gryphon Begonia


You can easily propagate the beautiful Gryphon Begonia using stem cuttings. 

  • Choose a healthy Gryphon Begonia plant with strong stems and vibrant foliage. Look for a plant that is free from pests or diseases.
  • Select a stem that is approximately 4-6 inches long, ensuring it has at least two sets of leaves.
  • Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to make a clean cut just below a leaf node. Remove any lower leaves, leaving only the top two sets intact.
  • Select a small pot or container with good drainage. Fill the pot with a well-draining propagation medium like perlite and peat moss or a commercial seed-starting mix.
  • Moisten the medium slightly, ensuring it is damp but not overly saturated. Create a small hole in the medium and gently insert the cut end of the Gryphon Begonia cutting, burying at least one leaf node in the medium.
  • Firmly press the medium around the base of the cutting to hold it securely in place. Place the potted cutting in a warm, well-lit area with bright, indirect light.
  • Avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf scorching. Maintain a consistent level of humidity by covering the pot with a clear plastic bag or using a propagating tray.
  • Water the cutting when the top inch of the medium feels dry to the touch. After a few weeks, you should see new growth emerging from the stem, indicating successful root development.

Propagate Any Plant Cutting Quickly Using this Trick

Best Pot Size for Gryphon Begonia

For small or young Gryphon Begonia plants, a pot with a diameter of 6-8 inches is generally suitable for a few years to come. Depending on the growth and spread of the plant, you can re-pot it into one size bigger container than the old one.

Here are Plant Pot Sizes from Inches to Gallon

Requirements for Growing Gryphon Begonia

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Gryphon Begonias thrive in bright, indirect light. They prefer a location with filtered sunlight or partial shade. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight as it can scorch their delicate foliage.

Indoor locations near east or west-facing windows, where they can receive bright but indirect light, are generally ideal for Gryphon Begonias.


Gryphon Begonias prefer a well-draining growing medium that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged. You should use a combination of peat moss, perlite, and well-decomposed organic matter in equal quantities.

This type of soil provides adequate drainage while retaining the necessary moisture for the plant’s roots.

Here are the best recipes to make the perfect growing medium for your plants


Proper watering is crucial for Gryphon Begonias. They prefer moist soil but not soggy conditions. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out slightly between waterings, then thoroughly water the plant until water drains from the bottom of the pot.

Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Adjust watering frequency according to the environmental conditions and season, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist but not excessively wet.

Here are the best ways to water plants

Temperature & Humidity

Gryphon Begonias thrive in warm temperatures ranging from 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 28°C). They are sensitive to cold drafts and temperature fluctuations, so it’s important to keep them away from cold windows or areas with significant temperature variations.

Gryphon Begonias appreciate moderate to high humidity levels. If the air is dry, consider using a humidifier, placing a tray of water near the plant, or misting the leaves regularly to increase humidity around the plant.

Here are 10 Ways To Increase Humidity For Houseplants That Work

Gryphon Begonia Care

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Gryphon Begonias benefit from regular fertilization to support healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with a ratio of 20-20-20 or a specific fertilizer formulated for begonias.

During the active growing season, typically spring and summer, dilute the fertilizer according to the package instructions and apply it every 5-7 weeks. Refrain fertilization during the dormant period in fall and winter.

Want to Make Organic Fertilizers from Kitchen Scraps? Click here


Pruning Gryphon Begonias is not usually necessary for maintenance, but it can help shape the plant and promote bushier growth.

Remove any yellowed or damaged leaves regularly to maintain a neat appearance. If the plant becomes leggy or elongated, you can trim back the stems to encourage branching.

Pruning can be done throughout the year as needed, using clean and sharp pruning shears to make clean cuts.

Pests and Diseases

Gryphon Begonias are generally resistant to pests and diseases, but they can occasionally encounter issues. Common pests that may affect Gryphon Begonias include mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites.

Regularly inspect the plant for signs of infestation, such as visible pests, sticky residue, or distorted leaves, and treat them with appropriate organic or chemical insecticides as needed.

Click here to learn the Amazing Natural Pesticide Recipe that can Kill any Pest

Ensure good air circulation around the plant and avoid overwatering to prevent fungal diseases such as powdery mildew or root rot.

Learn How to Treat Root Rot in Houseplants Like a Pro here

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