Growing Rosemary From Cuttings | How to Propagate a Rosemary Plant

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Growing Rosemary From Cuttings is one of the best ways to have a fresh supply of one of the most flavorful and fragrant herbs all year round!

Growing Rosemary From Cuttings | How to Propagate a Rosemary Plant 1

A hardy perennial adorned with spiked leaves, Rosemary is an amazing plant to have in your home garden. This herb can be used in several dishes, from roasts to cocktails, and add a unique flavor to your meal or drinks. Learn everything about Growing Rosemary From Cuttings in detail to have a never-ending harvest!

Check out some amazing benefits of growing Rosemary here

What is Rosemary?

The rosemary plant (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region. It is an evergreen shrub with fragrant, needle-like leaves and pale blue or white flowers.

It is an aromatic culinary herb that is used in many traditional dishes. It has a strong flavor and aroma that are often used to season meats, vegetables, and soups. The herb is also used to make essential oils, perfumes, and teas.

Rosemary has a long history of medicinal uses. It is believed to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It is thought to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and stimulate the immune system. Rosemary has also been used to treat depression, improve memory and concentration, and reduce stress.

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Benefits of Growing Rosemary From Cuttings

Growing Rosemary From Cuttings 2

Growing Rosemary from cuttings has a lot of added benefits. Not only does it keep the same DNA as the mother plant, but also retains the same flavor, growth habits, and resilience to certain diseases.

  • Cost-effective: Propagating rosemary from cuttings is a much more economical way than buying starter plants from a nursery.
  • Easy to do: Taking rosemary cuttings is a relatively simple process that even novice gardeners can do!
  • Multiple plants: By taking several cuttings from a single plant, you can quickly build up an entire rosemary garden with minimal effort.
  • Ability to share: You can share rosemary plants with your friends and family or even trade cuttings with other gardeners.
  • Variety: Taking cuttings from different varieties of rosemary allows you to create your own personalized garden of rosemary plants.

Growing Rosemary From Cuttings

Growing Rosemary From Cuttings | How to Propagate a Rosemary Plant 3

The process of growing Rosemary from cuttings is quite simple and effortless. Following these particular steps will help you master the art of propagating Rosemary.

  • Spring is the best time to take cuttings from the plant, right after it has flowered. You can also take the cutting in summer or fall, as long as the herb is not flowering.
  • Select a healthy plant and snip off a 4-6 inches long cutting. Take green or softwood stems and avoid cutting older brown or hardwood ones as they might take longer to root as compared to the younger stems.
  • Take off all the lower leaves to reduce moisture loss. Dip the end in honey or a rooting hormone, as it will help to speed up the process while saving the cutting from any potential diseases.
  • Now, plant the cutting in a pot filled with a seed starting mix. You can also mix equal parts of well-draining soil and perlite.
  • Using a spray bottle, water the cutting and soil well. Keep it at a location where it can avail bright, indirect light for at least 5-6 hours every day. Also, avoid exposing the pot to sudden temperature changes.
  • The cutting will form roots in 10-14 days. You can then choose to either grow it in the same pot or transplant it into the garden.

Note: You also have the option to grow the cuttings in water. Place the cutting in a jar filled with nonchlorinated water and change the water every 2-4 days. Once you will see roots emerging, transplant them into a pot.

Find the best herbs that grow from cuttings here

How To Care For Rosemary?


When growing a Rosemary shrub at home, there are a few things to always keep in mind. Along with the classic rules for temperature and soil, there are other essential factors you must take into consideration.


Try and keep the plant away from direct sun while it is still growing. Once established, keep it at a spot where it can get at least 6-7 hours of light daily.


Since the leaves of a Rosemary plant do not wilt or droop like other plants, it may be hard to determine how much moisture it needs.

Water your rosemary plants deeply, once a week, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Avoid over-watering, as this can lead to root rot. If possible, water your rosemary plants in the morning so the foliage has a chance to dry off before nightfall.

Pests and Diseases

Insects such as whiteflies, spittle flies, aphids, and spider mites are very attracted to the Rosemary plant. They can usually cause the plant to wilt very quickly, so keeping a regular eye on the herb can prevent this from happening. Use neem oil or soap solution to get rid of them.

Another aspect that Rosemary is highly susceptible to is powdery mildew or mold. This happens mainly if there is air circulation or ventilation around. Keep the herb in an open space where it gets a lot of fresh air.

Find the best Rosemary companion plants here

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