Growing Kale in Pots | How to Plant Kale in Containers

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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There is no substitute for leafy greens when it comes to a healthy diet and what could be better than kale! Read on to know all about Growing Kale in Pots!

Growing Kale in Pots is a great way to get your hands on healthy greens even when you’re short on space. Kale has innumerate health benefits on offer and you’ll be reaping them all fresh and free!

Common Names: Leaf Cabbage, Borecole, Curly Kale, Kale

Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea acephala

Check out our article on growing Kohlrabi in pots here

Planting Time

Being a cool-weather crop, kale can withstand temperatures as low as 20 F (-5 C). For cold regions, plant in early spring. If you live in a mild-winter region, fall is the best time. For warm areas, plant in late summer.

Growing Kale in Pots

Growing Kale in Pots

Planting kale seeds is a pretty straightforward method. Sow half an inch deep and space them 3-4 inches apart. Potatoes, celery, onions, beets, and herbs are some of the great companion plants for kale.

Hanover Late Seedling, Red Russian, Blue Curled Scotch, Winterbor, Dwarf Green Curled, Blue Knight, and Greenpeace are some of the best varieties to grow.

Popular Types of Kale

  • Lacinato Kale/Dinosaur Kale: Has blue-green rumpled leaves with a reptile-like texture.
  • Ornamental Kale: Comes in pink, purple, and magenta hues. Forms a rosette.
  • Red Russian Kale: Its blue-green or red leaves resemble that of oaks.
  • Siberian Kale: Has large, gray-green ruffled leaves.
  • Redbor Kale: This is Ornamental and edible with stunning red leaves with purple veins.

Choosing a Container

For one plant per pot, 8-12 inches container will be more than enough. Drainage holes are a must. If you are growing multiple plants together, or growing kale with herbs, go for a 22-24 inches pot.

Requirements for Growing Kale in a Pot


Kale loves light-weight soil and any potting mix having perlite, coconut husk, manure or compost, and peat will work great in this regard.


The plant will thrive in both shady locations and bright sun. Moving the pots accordingly will ensure you get a thriving harvest.


For soft and flavorful leaves, keeping the plant well-watered is crucial. Mulching will also help to keep the moisture locked and plant cool.

Kale Plant Care

Growing Kale in Pots 2


Feed the plant regularly with a continuous-release plant food according to the dosage and intervals recommended on the label. Alternatively, side-dress plants with aged compost every 5-6 weeks.

Pests and Diseases

Be careful about cabbage worms, flea beetles, and cabbage aphids. Using insecticidal soap or neem oil spray will be enough to take care of them.

Thankfully, kale is safe from serious disease problems.

Harvesting and Storage

You can harvest in 65-80 days after sowing seeds. Wait till the plant reaches about 10-12 inches in height and then cut individual leaves as required. You can also harvest the entire plant. Leave 2-3 inches from the bottom and it will grow again.

Kale tastes best when fresh. However, you can store them in a refrigerator for 7-10 days in plastic bags.

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