Grow Roses from Cuttings with this Toilet Paper Hack

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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If you want quick and guaranteed rose propagation, then learn How to Grow Roses from Cuttings with this Toilet Paper Hack!

Propagating roses from stem cuttings is easy, but what if you could make it easier. You can do this with the help of one secret thing that lies in your toilet–A TOILET PAPER! Yes, you read that right!

Check out some rose growing mistakes you must avoid here

How this Toilet Paper Hack for Roses is Useful

While growing roses from cuttings, moisture plays a key role in root development. If the level is not right, the cuttings may die. Toilet paper traps the moisture within the lower part of the stem, which keeps it moist and too very evenly, thereby greatly boosting the chances of successful propagation.

Learn some interesting toilet paper uses in the garden here

What Types of Roses to Grow with Toilet Paper?

When it comes to growing roses from cuttings, always pick the heirloom and non grafted varieties as they root a lot better than the modern hybrids. Also, take softwood and semi-hardwood cuttings, you can do this from spring to early fall. The more accurate perfect time for rose propagation in your place depends on the climate and zone.

Check out the best rose varieties here

Grow Roses from Cuttings with this Toilet Paper Hack

1. Get Healthy Cuttings

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

For this hack to work perfectly, you have to start with healthy cuttings. Snip 6-8 inches long stems from a lush plant using a sharp, sanitized shear.

Semi-hardwood cuttings are easy to root and give the best results.

2. Snip Away the Leaves

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

Remove leaves from the stems so that all of the plant energy is directed towards growing new roots.

3. Make a Cut on Both Ends

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

Cut both the ends of each stem at a 45° angle. This will boost the chances of propagation by a great margin.

4. Roll the Stems with Toilet Paper

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

Dip the end that you are about to cover in a rooting hormone, and roll the stems with 3-4 layers of toilet paper. Do not roll them too up and too much, and DO NOT cover them more than half, as it will hamper the supply of air.

You can also use paper napkins or any other paper that will decompose for this purpose.

5. Wet Evenly

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

After wrapping all the stems, spray some water on the toilet paper till it soaks up completely. Squeeze away extra water. Also, be careful with the thorns while handling the stems.

6. Prepare a Pot

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

Take a medium-sized planter and fill it with seed starting or any well-draining potting mix. Do not fill it all the way up. Just line 1/4th of the bottom with the growing medium.

7. Place the Cuttings

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

Now, strew all the cuttings in the pot, as shown in the above image. Do not poke them in the growing medium. Also, make sure you are not damaging the toilet paper.

8. Top it Up With Soil

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

Cover the cuttings with soil to 50 or 75 percent of their height. Remember, do not cover or bury the cuttings in the growing medium completely; soil should only cover up to the toilet paper. Once done, evenly mist the growing medium and the cuttings.

9. Let them Grow

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

Place the pot where it gets plenty of bright and indirect light. Keep misting regularly to keep the soil slightly moist.

10. Check the Growth

Gardening with Johnson Engleng

After 2-4 weeks, you’ll see new leaves shining, this is the time to take the cuttings out from the pot and examine for the signs of growth of the roots. At this point, you will be able to spot the roots positively.

Learn how to grow big roses here

11. Wash Away the Toilet Paper to Expose the Roots

Gardening with Johnson Engleng
Gardening with Johnson Engleng

Roots are a clear indication that the cuttings are becoming plants. Now, you can rinse them with water to wash the toilet paper and expose the roots completely.

12. Re-Plant and Watch the Cuttings Becoming Happy Rose Plants and Bloom!

roseinlovediaryBloom and grow

After washing the toilet paper off the roots, you can plant the cuttings in pots or your garden, and soon, they will become thriving plants full of beautiful and scented rose flowers.

Watch this video for more information

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