Florida State Fruit and How to Grow it

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Do you know about the details of the Florida State Fruit? We have all the info on how to grow it in your garden!

Florida State Fruit

If you don’t know much about the official Florida State Fruit, we can help you with all the details you may need!

Learn about the New Hampshire State Flower here

Florida State Fruit

  • Oranges are the official Florida State Fruit.
  • It was designated as the state fruit in 2005 because of the efforts put in by Southside Elementary School teachers and students.
  • Although Florida had orange blossom listed as the state flower and orange juice as the state beverage, there was no official state fruit.
  • Florida produces the majority of oranges grown in the United States. In 2006, Florida produced 74 percent of the American oranges.
  • Florida produces 95 percent of oranges in the United States, primarily for orange juice.

Check out the Alabama State Fruit and How to Grow It here

How to Grow the Florida State Fruit?

The Flordia State Fruit generally takes 3-5 years to get ready for harvest, depending on the tree’s age at the purchase and variety.


Grow Florida State Fruit in an area where it gets a minimum of 5-6 hours of direct and bright sunlight daily. The more sun it gets, the better it will be for the growth and size of the fruits.

However, these citrus trees can thrive well in partial shade, too but won’t fruit well. 

Best Soil

Orange trees love light-medium textured, rich, well-tilled, sandy, well-draining soil. Avoid growing these plants anywhere with stagnant water. 

Add plenty of organic matter and coco peat in the soil at the time of starting the plant.


The Florida State Fruit must be watered 2-3 times a week. Be careful when the plant is young, and moisten the soil when the top inch of it feels a little dry to the touch.

Do not water the plant daily, and also ensure the soil never goes dry completely. 


Feed Florida State Fruit in early spring using a balanced fertilizer like a 20-10-20 citrus food. Do it once in 4-6 weeks to ensure it grows the best and juicy fruits!  


An upright tapering cone is the best shape for an orange tree. You can maintain this shape by cutting it back. Keep 3-4 primary branches above the ground.

It is ideal for pruning your orange trees before it begins to bloom in early or late spring after fruits set in.

Pests and Disease

Watch for anthracnose Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, black root rot, and brow rot. Some significant pests that attack orange trees are leaf miners, whitefly, scales, psylla, and citrus butterfly.

Keep the plant safe by using an insecticidal soap, avoid overwatering and make sure it gets plenty of direct sunlight.

Learn How to Grow an Orange Tree in Container here

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