51 Fast Growing Trees in the World

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Experience nature’s swift transformation with these Fast Growing Trees for your garden for shade, privacy, and freshness.

Discover the beauty and benefits of Fast Growing Trees! These towering giants can provide shade, privacy, and an abundance of oxygen in just a fraction of the time compared to traditional trees. Get ready to watch your landscape transform before your eyes with these remarkable specimens.

Check out these Beautiful Trees with White Flowers

Fast Growing Trees

1. Hybrid Poplar

Fast Growing Trees

Botanical Name: Populus deltoides x Populus nigra

Growth: Up to 8-10 feet per year

One of the Fast Growing Trees, the Hybrid Poplar, quickly grows up to 10 ft per year and is commonly used for erosion control. The tree has amazing and vibrant green foliage.

Here are Beautiful Trees with Purple Flowers

2. Leyland Cypress

Botanical Name: Xcuprocyparis leylandii

Growth: Up to 3-4 feet per year

The Leyland Cypress is an evergreen tree that grows up to 3 ft per year and is widely used as a windbreak and privacy screen.

3. Silver Maple

Fast Growing Trees 3

Botanical Name: Acer saccharinum

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

With fast growth and abundant sap, the Silver Maple is a deciduous tree that grows up to 2 ft per year.

Here are the 7 of the Fastest Growing Trees in Texas

4. Willow

Botanical Name: Salix alba ‘Tristis’

Growth: Up to 7-8 feet per year

Willow trees are known for their long, narrow leaves and drooping branches that give them a graceful appearance. They can grow quite tall and have a distinctive look, with a trunk that often twists and turns as it grows upward.

5. Cottonwood

Botanical Name: Populus deltoides

Growth: Up to 5-6 feet per year

Cottonwoods are large, fast-growing trees easily recognizable by their broad, rounded canopy and distinctive, deeply furrowed bark. They are often used as shade trees or windbreaks due to their height and size.

Check out Stunning Trees With Red Flowers here

6. Eastern White Pine

Fast Growing Trees 6

Botanical Name: Pinus strobus
Growth: Up to 3-4 feet per year
One of the best Fast Growing Trees, the Eastern white pines are tall, coniferous trees with long, feathery needles that grow in five clusters. They have a cone-shaped crown, and their bark is grayish-brown and deeply furrowed.

7. Eucalyptus

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus spp.

Growth: Up to 5-6 feet per year

Eucalyptus trees are known for their distinctive, aromatic leaves and tall, straight trunks. They have a smooth bark that ranges from gray to white, and they produce clusters of small, white flowers that bloom in the summer.

8. Bamboo

Fast Growing Trees 8

Botanical Name: Bambusa spp.

Growth: Up to 1-3 feet per day

Bamboo is a type of grass known for its tall, narrow stems that grow in clumps or stands. The stems are typically hollow and have a distinctive, segmented appearance, with distinctive nodes or joints along their length.

Check out Types of Bamboos to Grow in Containers and Gardens here

9. Royal Paulownia

Botanical Name: Paulownia tomentosa

Growth: Up to 8-10 feet per year

Another of the Fast Growing Trees is the Royal Paulownia, a fast-growing tree with a distinctive, pyramidal shape and large, heart-shaped leaves. It is often used as an ornamental tree due to its unique appearance and growth habit.

10. Giant Willow

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Botanical Name: Salix matsudana

Growth: Up to 7-8 feet per year

Giant willows are large, deciduous trees known for their long, narrow leaves and drooping branches. They grow quickly and can reach heights of up to 100 feet, making them an excellent choice for shade or windbreak.

11. Eastern Redbud

Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

Eastern redbuds are small, deciduous trees with a distinctive, spreading canopy. They are known for their vibrant pink or purple flowers that bloom in early spring before the leaves appear.

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12. Lombardy Poplar


Botanical Name: Populus nigra ‘Italica’

Growth: Up to 6-8 feet per year

Lombardy poplars are fast-growing trees with a tall, slender form and narrow, pointed leaves often used as ornamental trees.

13. Crepe Myrtle

Botanical Name: Lagerstroemia indica

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

Crepe myrtles are small to medium-sized trees or shrubs with a rounded canopy and exfoliating bark. They are known for their long-lasting, showy flowers that bloom in shades of pink, purple, and white.

14. White Oak

Botanical Name: Quercus alba

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

White oaks are large, deciduous trees with a spreading canopy and deeply lobed leaves. They have a thick, rugged bark that is deeply furrowed, and their acorns are an essential food source for wildlife.

Here are the Best Types of Oak Trees

15. Black Gum

Botanical Name: Nyssa sylvatica

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

Black gums are medium-sized trees with a distinctive, upright form and dark bark known for their brilliant fall foliage, which ranges in color from orange to deep red.

16. Black Walnut


Botanical Name: Juglans nigra

Growth: Up to 2-4 feet per year

Black walnuts are large, deciduous trees with a spreading canopy and deeply furrowed bark. They are known for their valuable, nutritious nuts widely used in cooking and baking.

17. White Pine


Botanical Name: Pinus strobus

Growth: Up to 3-4 feet per year

One of the best Fast Growing Trees for any home, the White pines are tall, coniferous trees with long, feathery needles and a cone-shaped crown.

Check out different types of spruce trees here

18. Red Oak

Sue Burton Photography/shutterstock

Botanical Name: Quercus rubra

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

Red oaks are large, deciduous trees with a spreading canopy and deeply lobed leaves with thick, rugged bark.

19. London Plane

Botanical Name: Platanus x acerifolia

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

London planes are large, deciduous trees with a broad, rounded canopy and distinctive, mottled bark. They are known for their tolerance to air pollution and are often used as street trees in urban areas.

20. Red Cedar

Botanical Name: Juniperus virginiana

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

Red cedars are medium-sized coniferous trees with a narrow, conical form and aromatic, scale-like leaves. They have a distinctive, reddish-brown bark that is deeply furrowed.

21. Black Cherry

Botanical Name: Prunus serotina

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

Black cherries are medium-sized trees with a rounded canopy and attractive, shiny leaves. They are known for their fragrant white flowers and dark, edible fruit.

Check out our article on the best dwarf ornamental trees here

22. White Spruce

Botanical Name: Picea glauca

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

Another of the Fast Growing Trees, the White Spruces, are tall, coniferous trees with a conical form and dense, blue-green needles. They have a distinctive, blocky bark that is gray to brown in color.

23. Norway Spruce


Botanical Name: Picea abies

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

Norway spruces are tall, coniferous trees with a narrow, conical form and dense, dark-green needles. These grow up to 2ft per year and are perfect for uplifting any garden.

24. Giant Sequoia

Botanical Name: Sequoiadendron giganteum

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

Giant sequoias are the largest trees on earth, with towering trunks reaching up to 300 feet tall. They have a distinctive, reddish-brown bark that is deeply furrowed, and their branches are covered in scale-like leaves.

Take a look at the Best Tall Skinny Trees here

25. Sawtooth Oak

Botanical Name: Quercus serrata

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

Sawtooth oaks are one of the Fast Growing Trees and are large, deciduous trees with a broad, rounded canopy and deeply lobed leaves.

26. Chestnut Oak


Botanical Name: Quercus montana

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

The Chestnut Oak is an oak tree species known for its chestnut-brown bark and large acorns and is one of the Fast Growing Trees best for any home.

27. Cedar Elm

Botanical Name: Ulmus crassifolia

Growth: Up to 2-4 feet per year

The Cedar Elm is a deciduous tree species with small, cedar-like leaves and a spreading crown.

28. Lacebark Pine

Botanical Name: Pinus bungeana

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

A coniferous tree that features distinctive bark that peels in strips revealing different colors underneath, the Lacebark Pine is a beauty to look at.

Looking for narrow trees for small gardens? Check out the Best ones here

29. Douglas Fir


Botanical Name: Pseudotsuga menziesii

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

A tall, cone-bearing tree with strong branches and needles that grow in a spiral pattern, the Douglas Fir entices everyone with its grace.

30. American Elm

Botanical Name: Ulmus americana

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

One of the best Fast Growing Trees that grow up to 2 ft a year, the American Elm is a deciduous tree species known for its vase-shaped form and drooping branches.

31. Redwood

Botanical Name: Sequoia sempervirens

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

The Redwood is a giant conifer tree species native to California with tall trunks, thick bark, and long, needle-like leaves.

Here are the Best Types of Elm Trees

32. Chinese Elm


Botanical Name: Ulmus parvifolia

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

A deciduous tree species known for its small leaves, dense branching, and unique mottled bark, the Chinese Elm has dark green, glossy foliage.

33. Japanese Maple


Botanical Name: Acer palmatum

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

The Japanese Maple is a deciduous tree species with delicate leaves that change color in the fall and are prized for their ornamental value.

34. Deodar Cedar

Botanical Name: Cedrus deodara

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

Another of the best Fast Growing Trees is the Deodar Cedar which is a large conifer tree species native to the Himalayas known for its conical shape and fragrant wood.

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35. Bald Cypress


Botanical Name: Taxodium distichum

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

A deciduous conifer tree species known for its buttressed trunk and needle-like leaves that turn bronze in fall, the Bald Cypress produces cone fruit.

36. Metasequoia

Botanical Name: Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

With lacy, feathery leaves and a columnar form, the Metasequoia, also known as Dawn Redwood, is a great Fast Growing Tree.

37. White Ash

Botanical Name: Fraxinus americana

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

The White Ash is a deciduous tree species with a straight trunk and compound leaves, known for its strong and flexible wood.

38. Paper Birch


Botanical Name: Betula papyrifera

Growth: Up to 1-2 ft per year

The Paper Birch is another deciduous tree species native to the northern hemisphere, known for its distinctive white bark that peels in papery layers.

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39. Wild Cherry

Fast Growing Trees 39

Botanical Name: Prunus avium

Growth: Up to 1-2 ft per year

Another excellent addition to our list of Fast Growing Trees is the Wild Cherry, known for its fragrant white flowers, small black cherries, and attractive reddish-brown bark.

40. Peach Tree


Botanical Name: Prunus persica

Growth: Up to 1-2 ft per year

The Peach Tree is a deciduous tree with a short trunk and spreading branches, bearing juicy, sweet fruit that is a staple of many summer diets.

Take a look at the Best Cold Tolerant Fruit Trees You Can Grow in Garden here

41. Weeping Willow


Botanical Name: Salix babylonica

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

A tall, graceful tree with drooping branches that trail to the ground, the Weeping Willow is a Fast Growing Tree that gets its name from its drooping branches that make it look like it is “Weeping.”

42. River Birch

Botanical Name: Betula nigra

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

The River Birch is a medium-sized tree with a distinctive, multicolored trunk that peels away to reveal different hues of cream, pink, and brown.

43. Cherry Tree

Botanical Name: Prunus avium

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

The delicate pink or white flowers it gives in the spring are only matched by the juicy, red, or dark purple fruit of the Cherry Tree in summer.

Check out the Most Cold Tolerant Palm Trees here

44. Dogwood

Botanical Name: Cornus florida

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

One of the best Fast Growing Trees, the Dogwood is a small tree with vibrant flowers that can grow up to 3 ft per year and provide interest in the garden all year long.

45. Golden Willow


Botanical Name: Salix alba var. vitellina

Growth: Up to 5-6 feet per year

One of the best Fast Growing Trees, the Golden Willow has bright green and silver leaves and yellow-green flowers.

46. Tulip Poplar

Botanical Name: Liriodendron tulipifera

Growth: Up to 1-2 feet per year

A large tree with tulip-shaped flowers, Tulip Poplars, can grow up to 2 ft per year and provide shade and beauty to the landscape.

Check out the best drought-tolerant fruit trees here

47. Black Locust


Botanical Name: Robinia pseudoacacia

Growth: Up to 3-4 ft per year

A tough and hardy tree, Black Locusts can grow up to 4 ft per year and are often used for firewood and landscaping.

48. Paulownia

Botanical Name: Paulownia spp.

Growth: Up to 8-10 ft per year

A fast-growing tree with fragrant flowers, Paulownias can grow up to 10 ft per year and are valued for their wood in some cultures.

49. Red Maple

Botanical Name: Acer rubrum

Growth: Up to 2 ft per year

A popular shade tree with brilliant fall color, Red Maples can grow up to 2 ft per year and provide a beautiful landscape addition.

Love Maple Trees? Learn How to Grow a Japanese Maple Tree in a Pot here 

50. Spathodea

Botanical Name: Spathodea campanulata

Growth: Up to 2-3 feet per year

This is a fast-growing, deciduous tree native to Africa and can look attractive in any space because of its ornamental blooms and stunning foliage.

51. Royal Poinciana

Botanical Name: Delonix regia

Growth: Up to 4-5 feet per year

With fern-like foliage and stunning, flame-red flowers that bloom in large, showy clusters in the summer, Royal Poinciana is one of the Best Fast-Growing Trees.

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