Earth Hour: Let’s Save the Mother Earth

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2-Minute Read

Earth Hour is an environmental event, celebrated to show support to energy conservation. It is organized by WWF on every last Saturday of March at the local time of 8:30-9:30 pm everywhere. People live in more than 162+ countries and 7000+ cities participate in it.


A Brief History

Featured as a local event in Sydney, Australia in 2007 to combat against global warming. In 2008 it became a mass movement and appreciated in 35+ countries and became a global event afterwards.

What you ought to do

Don’t toss it away as needless upshot, show your support and switch off all the lights at least for 15 minutes if you can. Come outside your home, see the depths of sky and wait till the time pass on. Every megawatt will be counted.

Earth hour girls

Importance of an hour

Are you from one of those people who criticize earth hour and believe that an hour can’t make a difference? Well, Earth Hour is not about saving electricity in one hour, it’s more than that. In the nutshell, this event is about to make people aware on energy conservation.


Continuous climate change and increase in global warming is wreaking havoc everywhere. It’s raining in summer, snowing in spring and scorching temperature in autumn, icebergs are melting. We did it, we’ll stop it. Earth hour is a small step to remind ourselves that we need to stop climate change.

earth day


Remember this, earth hour is not hype, it’s a symbol of energy saving. We request you to make this one hour event as a lifetime event (no! don’t live in darkness in cages) just do this— switch off needless electric appliances, whenever and wherever you can.

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