Dragon Tail Philodendron Care Tips and Tricks

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Dragon Tail Philodendron is an easy to grow plant that stands out with its quirky foliage! Here are the details to grow it.


If you want an easy to maintain specimen that remains green all time in the year, then Dragon Tail Philodendron is one of the best choices!

Dragon Tail Philodendron Plant Information

The Dragon Tail Philodendron is native to the tropical rainforests of South America. It is a striking plant that captures attention with its glossy, elongated leaves that resemble the shape of a dragon’s tail, hence its intriguing name.

What sets the Dragon Tail Philodendron apart are its unique characteristics. This plant has a vining habit, allowing it to trail or climb as it grows gracefully. It can reach impressive lengths, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a dramatic statement piece. Its ability to adapt to different lighting conditions also makes it a versatile addition to any plant collection.

The Dragon Tail Philodendron‘s distinctive foliage and captivating presence make it a favorite among plant enthusiasts looking to add a touch of exotic allure to their surroundings.

Botanical Name: Philodendron bipinnatifidum ‘Dragon Tail’

Propagating Dragon Tail Philodendron

  • Select a healthy stem from Dragon Tail Philodendron. Using clean and sharp pruning shears or scissors, cut a portion of the stem just below a node. Nodes are the points where leaves emerge from the stem.
  • Trim off the lower leaves from the cutting, leaving only a few leaves at the top. This helps reduce moisture loss and directs energy toward root development.
  • Prepare a small pot or container with a well-draining potting mix. Make a hole in the soil using a pencil or your finger, and gently insert the cut end of the stem into the hole. Firmly press the soil around the stem to ensure good contact.
  • Water the soil thoroughly after planting to settle it around the cutting. Maintain slightly moist but not overly wet soil throughout the propagation process. Be cautious not to overwater, as excessive moisture can lead to rotting.
  • Place the cutting in a location with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves or cause excessive drying. A warm and bright spot indoors, away from drafts, is ideal.
  • Keep a close eye on the cutting and monitor its progress. It may take several weeks or more for roots to develop. During this time, ensure the soil remains slightly moist and provide regular but gentle air circulation to prevent fungal growth.

Best Pot Size for Dragon Tail Philodendron

You can start Dragon Tail Philodendron in an 8-10 inches pot which will be good for a few years. After that, depending on the growth and spread, keep re-potting it in a one-size bigger pot than the old one.

Requirements to Grow Dragon Tail Philodendron



Place your Dragon Tail Philodendron in a location that receives bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, especially during the hot afternoon hours, as it can lead to sunburn and scorch the leaves.


Start with a high-quality peat-based or organic potting mix. These mixes provide good moisture retention while allowing for adequate drainage. Avoid heavy or compacted soils that can retain too much water and lead to root rot.

Add perlite or vermiculite to the potting mix to improve drainage and aeration.


Before watering, allow the top 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) of the soil to dry out. Stick your finger into the soil to check the moisture level. If it feels dry at that depth, it’s time to water. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

Temperature and Humidity

Dragon Tail Philodendron prefers temperatures between 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C). It can tolerate slightly lower temperatures but should be protected from frost and freezing conditions.

Aim for a relative humidity of around 40% to 60% if possible. You can increase humidity levels by misting the plant’s leaves regularly with water, placing a humidifier nearby, grouping plants together to create a microclimate, or using a pebble tray filled with water under the pot (ensure the pot is not sitting in water).

Dragon Tail Philodendron Care Tips


Use a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 formula. Alternatively, you can opt for a specialized indoor plant fertilizer specifically formulated for foliage plants.

Dilute the fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions, usually at a rate of ¼ to ½ strength. Apply the diluted fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season, which is typically spring through summer. Reduce or cease fertilization during the winter months when Dragon Tail Philodendron’s growth slows down.

Pests and Diseases

Common pests that may affect Dragon Tail Philodendron include mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids. Regularly inspecting the plant for pests and using insecticidal soap will keep them at bay.

To keep most of the diseases away from the plant, avoid overwatering and ensure it gets proper air circulation.


Regularly inspect your Dragon Tail Philodendron for any yellowed or diseased leaves. Trim these leaves close to the main stem using clean pruning shears or scissors. Removing diseased or dying foliage helps improve the overall health and appearance of the plant.

If your Dragon Tail Philodendron becomes too large or unruly, you can prune back the stems to manage its size and shape. Identify the areas that need trimming to achieve the desired form, and make clean cuts just above a leaf node or joint. This will encourage new growth and maintain a more compact shape.

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