24 DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas You Must Try

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Discover creative and cost-effective ways for successful gardening with these DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas!

Check out these amazing DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas that will give you ideas on simple and sustainable ways to create your own seed starters.

Check out 8 Simple Seed Germination Tips To Grow Every Seed here

DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas

1. Egg Cartons as Seed Trays

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First of the most amazing and easy DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas are egg cartons. Start a dozen seedlings easily by using cardboard egg cartons, which can be cut apart individually when it’s time to transplant them to the garden.

Here are DIY Seed Storage & Organization Ideas

2. Newspaper Pots

To create small pots for seedlings, simply roll two sheets of newspaper around a small jar and secure the bottom with wheat paste, or fold the paper into a square pot and staple the edges.

These eco-friendly pots can be directly planted into the ground once the soil has warmed up and the seedling is ready to be transplanted.

Check out more newspaper pot ideas here

3. Eggshells as Seed Starting Pots

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Don’t toss your eggshells just yet! Besides being an excellent addition to soil or compost piles, eggshell halves can also be repurposed as seedling pots that fit snugly inside an egg carton tray.

Simply punch a small drainage hole in the bottom of each shell, and you’re ready to start your seeds in a sustainable and budget-friendly way.

Check out some DIY seedling greenhouse ideas here

4. Lemon Rind Pot

Creating a DIY seed starter is as easy as scooping out the pulp of a lemon, filling it with potting soil, and adding your desired seeds.

To guide you through the process, check out this tutorial video and step-by-step article for helpful tips and tricks.

5. DIY Heat Mat

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While purchasing a seed heat mat may seem like a good solution, it can be quite costly. Instead, why not try making your own heat mat with DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas? Check out the step-by-step DIY guide to get started.

6. Muffin Tins To Start Seeds

Looking for an easy and eco-friendly way to start your seeds? Look no further than your kitchen! Muffin tins make excellent seed starters with their individual cups that allow you to fill them with soil and sow your seeds with ease.

7. Seed Starter from an Ice Cube Try

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Want the cheap and best DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas? Find how to utilize an ice cube tray’s small and separate sections as an excellent tool for starting seeds. Follow this link for step-by-step instructions.

Learn some pro tricks on handling young seedlings here

8. Disposable Coffee Cups


If you find yourself frequently grabbing coffee or tea in a paper-to-go cup (because you may forget your reusable mug), don’t throw away the cup! Instead, reuse it as a seedling pot.

Follow this DIY to find out you can give the coffee cups a second life and reduce waste.

9. Yogurt Cups

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Instead of tossing out single-serving packaged foods like yogurt cups, you can repurpose them into tiny seedling pots. The smaller cups are more versatile than larger ones as they occupy less space.

This way, you can make the most out of your plastic containers and reduce waste. Here’s the tutorial for these DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas.

10. Toilet Paper Seed Starter Pots

Transform your empty toilet paper rolls into a budget-friendly and eco-friendly seed starter pot. This DIY project is a great way to reuse materials and kickstart your garden with a sustainable approach.

Have a look at the best mini Greenhouse ideas here

11. Paper Pulp Seed Starters

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Click here to learn how to recycle your old paper goods like junk mail and worn-out papercraft by making homemade seed starters with paper pulp. This amazing approach will help reduce waste and kickstart your garden with your own DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas.

12. Ice Cream Cones

Combine two of your favorite summer activities by creating adorable biodegradable pots from ice cream cones.

Don’t let good cones go to waste; instead, repurpose the ones that have gone stale for your DIY project.

13. Upcycled Milk Carton Seed Starter

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Did you know you could put those milk cartons to good use in your garden? By repurposing your milk cartons for seed starters, you can give them a second life and start your garden with a sustainable and cost-effective approach.

Check out these DIY Seed Starting Hacks To Make Planting Seeds Cheaper

14. Paper Bag Seed Pots

Have any spare paper bags at home? Fold and staple paper bags into simple seedling pots. Line the bags with plastic to prevent moisture leakage, fill them with soil, sow your seeds, and water gently.

Here is the step-by-step tutorial so you can make these at home.

15. Repurposed Tin Cans

Looking for DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas that will last long? Go with tin cans. Empty tin cans, such as those from canned vegetables or coffee, can be turned into creative seed starters.

With a little bit of elbow grease and the steps from this DIY, you, too, can create these beauties for your garden. These can be used for small succulents and plants as well!

16. Plastic Bottles

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If you’re looking for cheap and quick DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas, then go for bottles. Plastic bottles and wine bottles can be transformed into mini planters by cutting them in half and punching drainage holes in the bottom.

17. Clam Shells

You can also repurpose clamshell containers, commonly used for packaging strawberries or blueberries, as seed starters.

These containers come with pre-made drainage holes, making them perfect for planting seeds directly in them. Learn how to use these here.

Here’s how you can use vinegar to improve seed germination

18. Empty Food Containers

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Winter sowing can be made easier by repurposing rotisserie chicken containers as mini greenhouses. You can also use any plastic container that you have at home.

Even without lids, these tiny containers are one of the top choices among DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas. Here’s the DIY tutorial.

19. K Cups

K cups make excellent seed starters. Simply fill them with soil and plant your seeds, then water them as needed.

Once your seedlings are ready to be transplanted, gently remove them from the K cup and plant them in a larger container or directly in your garden. Find details here.

20. Citrus Rind Seed Starter

Repurpose citrus rinds, such as orange peels, into charming seedling pots with built-in drainage. Scoop out the fruit and fill the empty rinds with soil. Plant your seeds and place the pots on a tray to catch any excess water.

Here is the video tutorial if you want to put turn Oranges into DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas.

Follow 16 Expert Tricks to Germinate Seeds Faster here

21. Biodegradable Peat Pots

Opt for biodegradable peat pots as seedling containers for easy transplanting. These pots are made from compressed peat moss and can be directly planted into the soil, eliminating the need to remove the seedlings.

What’s more is that they gradually decompose, providing essential nutrients to the growing plants and minimizing transplant shock. Check out the DIY here.

22. Upcycled Shoe Box for Seeds

Reuse shoeboxes to create convenient seedling trays. Line the bottom of the shoebox with plastic wrap or a plastic bag to prevent leakage. Fill the box with potting soil, sow your seeds in rows, and cover them lightly with soil.

And that’s it. Your shoe box for seed starting is ready. Take a look at this DIY if you need more help.

Here are the Best Seeds for Gardening that Grow Quickly in Just 5 Days

23. Wine Corks

Collect used wine corks and hollow out the center to create small planters. Fill them with soil, plant your seeds, and place them on a tray. These tiny, biodegradable planters add a touch of creativity and can be easily transplanted once the seedlings are ready.

Check out the DIY here for one of the most unique and eye-catching DIY Seed Trays and Pots Ideas.

24. Coconut Shells

Looking for easy DIYs for starting seeds? Utilize discarded coconut shells as unique plant pots. Clean the shells thoroughly and poke drainage holes in the bottom.

Fill the shells with a mixture of potting soil and compost. Plant your seeds or seedlings, and water as needed. Here is the DIY to get you started.

Vodka can Help Faster Seed Germination. Here’s how!

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