How to Grow Dischidia Geri in the Pots

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Dischidia Geri is an evergreen specimen and looks fantastic in pots with its trailing stems. Let’s have a look at how to grow it!

Dischidia Geri

Dischidia Geri is a beautiful epiphytic plant that can thrive in a variety of indoor environments. The best part – it looks great in pots!

Botanical Name: Dischidia ‘Geri’

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Dischidia Geri Information

Dischidia Geri is a tropical, evergreen, vine-like plant native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. It is a member of the Apocynaceae family and is related to the Hoya plant.

The plant has dark green, oval-shaped leaves and produces small, white flowers. It is an easy plant to care for and can be grown indoors or in a bright, shaded spot in a garden.

Propagating Dischidia Geri

Propagating Dischidia Geri plants is a relatively straightforward process. You can propagate the plant by stem cuttings and by air layering.

  • For stem cuttings, take a healthy stem from the parent plant and use a sharp knife to cut it just below a node. Remove the leaves from the lower half of the cutting, dip the cut end in root hormone, and pot the cutting in a pot filled with moist, well-draining soil. Place the pot in a warm, shaded area and water the soil regularly. Once the cutting has developed roots, you can transplant it into a larger pot.
  • For air layering, select a healthy stem from the parent plant. Make a small cut in the stem and insert a small piece of moist sphagnum moss. Wrap the moss with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and secure it in place. Place the stem in a warm, shaded area and water the soil regularly. Once the roots have developed, remove the plastic wrap or aluminum foil and cut the stem just below the roots. Pot the rooted stem in a pot filled with moist, well-draining soil.

Learn How to Grow Dischidia ovata here

Requirements for Growing Dischidia Geri

Dischidia Geri 2


Dischidia Geri prefers bright but indirect light. Too much direct sun can burn the leaves, while too little light can cause the plant to become leggy and lose its shape.

It is recommended to place the plant near a window that receives filtered light or in a shaded outdoor area.


For Dischidia Geri, the best potting mix is a well-draining, light, and airy mix. This can be created by combining equal parts of potting soil, perlite, and coarse sand.

Learn How to Change Your Soil pH here

Additionally, you can add some peat moss and coconut coir to increase its water-holding capacity. This mix should be light, airy, and have excellent drainage.


During the growing season, water regularly to keep the soil lightly moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering, and reduce watering during the winter months. Mist the leaves regularly, especially during dry periods.

Here are the best ways to water plants


Dischidia Geri plants prefer to be grown in a humid environment. They should be kept in an environment with high humidity levels of 60-80%.

During the summer months, the humidity levels should be increased by misting the leaves. It is also beneficial to place the plant on a humidity tray or near a humidifier to help keep the air around the plant humid.

Here are the Ways To Increase Humidity For Houseplants That Work

Dischidia Geri Care

Dischidia Geri 3


A balanced fertilizer, such as a 20-20-20, applied at half strength once every two weeks during the growing season (spring through fall), will help keep your Dischidia Geri healthy and growing.

Learn How To Make Bone Meal Fertilizer At Home here

Pests and Diseases

Dischidia Geri plant is resistant to most common pests and diseases. However, it is still subject to attack by aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects. These pests can be treated with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil.

The plant may also be susceptible to root rot caused by overwatering or poor drainage. To prevent this, it is important to keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy.

Click here to learn the Amazing Natural Pesticide Recipe that can Kill any Pest

Another major threat to Dischidias is Powdery Mildew and Southern Blight, which can occur when excess moisture sits on compacted foliage. If this happens, remove the affected areas and improve growing conditions by placing the plant in a brighter location and keeping the leaves dry.

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