100 Best Types of Conophytum Varieties

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Discover the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties and add this unique succulent to your plant collection.

Looking for a stunning and one-of-a-kind plant to add to your collection? Look no further than the Conophytum varieties! With their unique shapes and dazzling colors, these plants are sure to turn heads and make a bold statement in any space.

But with so many different types of Conophytum out there, it can be tough to know which ones to choose. That’s why we’ve put together this detailed guide to help you discover some of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties available. So, whether you’re a seasoned plant collector or just starting out, read on to find the perfect Conophytum for your collection!

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Best Types of Conophytum Varieties

1. Conophytum acutum

Botanical Name: Conophytum acutum

With leaves arranged in a rosette, Conophytum acutum features round and flattened leaves with distinct patterns that are often reddish-brown or green-grey in color.

2. Conophytum maughanii

Botanical Name: Conophytum maughanii

Conophytum maughanii is a small, clumping succulent that produces pairs of fleshy leaves that are grayish-green in color with reddish-brown markings. It produces pink, star-shaped flowers with yellow centers that bloom in autumn.

3. Conophytum meyeri


Botanical Name: Conophytum meyeri

Conophytum meyeri is a small, clumping succulent that produces pairs of fleshy leaves that are green-gray in color with white spots. It is characterized by its yellow, star-shaped flowers that bloom in autumn.

4. Conophytum minimum


Botanical Name: Conophytum minimum

Conophytum minimum is a small, compact succulent that produces pairs of fleshy green-gray spotted leaves. It produces small, pink flowers that bloom in autumn.

5. Conophytum bilobum


Botanical Name: Conophytum bilobum

For those who prefer daisy-like blooms, Conophytum bilobum is a great choice among the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, with leaves featuring two distinct lobes and producing flowers in various shades of pink.

6. Conophytum obcordellum


Botanical Name: Conophytum obcordellum

Conophytum obcordellum features distinctive heart-shaped leaves and white, yellow, or pink flowers.

7. Conophytum pageae

Botanical Name: Conophytum pageae

The Conophytum pageae is a rare and unique variety that features leaf pairs fused together to form a single cylindrical body topped with bright yellow flowers.

8. Conophytum calculus


Botanical Name: Conophytum calculus

The Best Types of Conophytum Varieties also include Conophytum calculus, which has chunky, pale green leaves with a rough texture and a flattened shape that looks like small stones.

9. Conophytum pellucidum


Botanical Name: Conophytum pellucidum

Conophytum pellucidum is a translucent variety with rounded, pale green leaves and delicate pink or white flowers.

10. Conophytum pubescens


Botanical Name: Conophytum pubescens

Conophytum pubescens is a beautiful Conophytum variety characterized by its hairy leaves and bright yellow or white flowers.

11. Conophytum ruschii


Botanical Name: Conophytum ruschii

The Conophytum ruschii features triangular, green leaves and pink, red, or white flowers with a distinctive stripe pattern.

12. Conophytum saxetanum


Botanical Name: Conophytum saxetanum

Another of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, the Conophytum saxetanum is a small, compact variety with rounded, green leaves and yellow or white flowers.

13. Conophytum smaleorum

Botanical Name: Conophytum smaleorum

Conophytum smaleorum is a rare and unique variety that produces cylindrical, finger-like leaves and small pink or white flowers.

14. Conophytum subfenestratum


Botanical Name: Conophytum subfenestratum

Conophytum subfenestratum features translucent, window-like patches on its green leaves and produces pink or white flowers.

15. Conophytum leipoldtii

Botanical Name: Conophytum leipoldtii

The Conophytum leipoldtii is one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties and is a small, clumping succulent that produces pairs of fleshy leaves that are green-gray in color with white spots.

16. Conophytum taylorianum


Botanical Name: Conophytum taylorianum

Conophytum taylorianum has flat, circular leaves with a grey-green coloration and a rough, pebbly texture. It has a distinct line down the middle of each leaf and produces white blooms.

17. Conophytum truncatellum


Botanical Name: Conophytum truncatellum

Conophytum truncatellum has two almost spherical leaves that are fused together at the base, forming a conical shape.

18. Conophytum turrigerum


Botanical Name: Conophytum turrigerum

Conophytum turrigerum has two almost spherical leaves that are fused together at the base, forming a conical shape. It has a green-grey coloration and produces white flowers with pink markings.

19. Conophytum uvaeforme

Botanical Name: Conophytum uvaeforme

Conophytum uvaeforme has two elongated, cylindrical leaves that produce white-pink blossoms.

20. Conophytum fulleri


Botanical Name: Conophytum fuller

Conophytum fulleri is a must-have for anyone seeking out the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties. It has a flattened, disc-like shape with blue-green leaves that turn purple in full sun, and it produces white, daisy-like flowers.

21. Conophytum wittebergense

Botanical Name: Conophytum wittebergense

The Conophytum wittebergense is a small, low-growing succulent plant that has a bright green, smooth body and bright pink or purple flowers.

22. Conophytum variegatum


Botanical Name: Conophytum variegatum

The Conophytum variegatum has two almost spherical leaves that are fused together at the base, forming a conical shape and produces white blooms.

23. Conophytum velutinum

Botanical Name: Conophytum velutinum

Conophytum velutinum has a pale grey-green coloration with a velvety texture and produces white or pink-hued blooms.

24. Conophytum verrucosum

Botanical Name: Conophytum verrucosum

Another among the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, the Conophytum verrucosum has raised, wart-like bumps on its leaves that give rise to white-pink flowers.

25. Conophytum comptonii


Botanical Name: Conophytum comptonii

Conophytum comptonii is a small, succulent plant that produces clumps of thick, flattened leaves with distinctive markings and large, pink or white flowers in late summer or early fall, making it another excellent option among the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties.

26. Conophytum namaquanum


Botanical Name: Conophytum namaquanum

The Conophytum namaquanum is a small, low-growing succulent plant that has gray-green leaves with raised bumps and yellow or white flowers.

27. Conophytum wettsteinii


Botanical Name: Conophytum wettsteinii

Another of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, the Conophytum wettsteinii is native to Namibia, and is a rare one with cylindrical leaves and white flowers.

28. Conophytum albiflorum


Botanical Name: Conophytum albiflorum

Boasting a charming rounded shape and distinct white blossoms, the Conophytum albiflorum adds a touch of elegance to any succulent collection.

29. Conophytum auriflorum

Botanical Name: Conophytum auriflorum

The brilliant yellow-golden hue of Conophytum auriflorum’s flowers perfectly complements its green-grey body, making it a breathtaking addition to any succulent collection.

30. Conophytum bolusiae

Botanical Name: Conophytum bolusiae

A popular choice for succulent enthusiasts, Conophytum bolusiae’s intricate leaf patterns and compact size make it an ideal addition to any collection.

31. Conophytum klinghardtense


Botanical Name: Conophytum klinghardtense

As one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, Conophytum klinghardtense is a small, clumping succulent that produces pairs of fleshy leaves that are green-gray in color with white spots.

32. Conophytum confusum

Botanical Name: Conophytum confusum

Despite its name, there’s nothing perplexing about the unique black and white markings of Conophytum confusum’s leaves that make it stand out among other succulents.

33. Conophytum cordatum


Botanical Name: Conophytum cordatum

With heart-shaped leaves and delicate pinkish-white flowers, Conophytum cordatum is an endearing and charming addition to any succulent garden.

34. Conophytum crateriforme

Botanical Name: Conophytum crateriforme

Conophytum crateriforme’s cup-shaped body gives it the appearance of a tiny crater, with its shades of green and brown adding a seamless blend of beauty to any succulent garden.

35. Conophytum friedrichiae


Botanical Name: Conophytum friedrichiae

Another of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties is Conophytum friedrichiae, which has a flattened, spherical shape with purple-red leaves and a rough texture. It produces white, daisy-like flowers with pink centers.

36. Conophytum elongatum


Botanical Name: Conophytum elongatum

One of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties that is long and slender, Conophytum elongatum’s tapered leaves and white flowers create an elegant and graceful appearance that’s hard to resist.

37. Conophytum frutescens


Botanical Name: Conophytum frutescens

As its name suggests, Conophytum frutescens has a bushy, shrub-like appearance that adds a sense of fullness and volume to any succulent garden.

38. Conophytum herreanthus


Botanical Name: Conophytum herreanthus

Conophytum herreanthus is one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties and is a small, clumping succulent that produces pairs of fleshy leaves with a gray-green coloration and a rough surface. It is characterized by its small, star-shaped, white or pink flowers that bloom in autumn.

39. Conophytum herrei

Botanical Name: Conophytum herrei

With a compact body and intricate leaf patterns, Conophytum herrei is a charming and delicate addition to any succulent collection.

40. Conophytum hians var. hians

Botanical Name: Conophytum hians var. hians

The gaping mouth-like opening on Conophytum hians var. hians’ leaves gives it a distinctive and almost eerie appearance, while its yellow flowers add a touch of brightness to its beauty.

41. Conophytum jucundum subsp. halophilum


Botanical Name: Conophytum jucundum subsp. halophilum

With its small, round body and pale pink flowers, Conophytum jucundum subsp. halophilum is a delightful and endearing addition to any collection of succulents.

42. Conophytum jucundum


Botanical Name: Conophytum jucundum

Considered one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, Conophytum jucundum is a small, compact succulent with two opposite, grayish-green leaves. It produces small, yellow flowers that open in the afternoon and close in the evening.

43. Conophytum khamiesbergense


Botanical Name: Conophytum khamiesbergense

The subtle shades of green and brown on Conophytum khamiesbergense’s leaves give it a natural and earthy appearance, while its white flowers add a touch of elegance to its beauty.

44. Conophytum flavum

Botanical Name: Conophytum flavum

With a flattened, spherical shape, Conophytum flavum is considered one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, featuring yellow-green leaves that can turn red in full sun. It produces pink, daisy-like flowers.

45. Conophytum ectypum


Botanical Name: Conophytum ectypum

As one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, Conophytum ectypum is a small, clumping succulent with distinctive flat, blue-green leaves and a warty texture. It produces small pink or white flowers in late summer.

46. Conophytum obscurum

Botanical Name: Conophytum obscurum

Conophytum obscurum’s dark, almost black leaves give it a mysterious and almost gothic appearance, while its white flowers add a touch of brightness to its beauty.

47. Conophytum odoratum


Botanical Name: Conophytum odoratum

As its name suggests, Conophytum odoratum has a delightful and aromatic scent that’s sure to please any succulent enthusiast, while its petite white flowers add a touch of elegance to its beauty.

48. Conophytum pillansii subsp. corallinum

Botanical Name: Conophytum pillansii subsp. corallinum

This unique plant has a coral-like texture and a bright green color, with an intricate pattern of dots and stripes on its surface.

49. Conophytum taylorianum subsp. ernianum


Botanical Name: Conophytum taylorianum subsp. ernianum

This striking variety has leaves in shades of green and purple, with a unique star-shaped pattern. The plant produces stunning white or yellow flowers in the fall.


Images: https://succulentalley.com/conophytum/

50. Conophytum devium

Botanical Name: Conophytum devium

Conophytum devium is a fascinating member of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, with leaves that are fused at the base to form a round, button-like shape. Its leaves range in color from gray-green to brown, and it produces bright yellow flowers in the fall.

51. Conophytum carpianum


Botanical Name: Conophytum carpianum

Conophytum carpianum, one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, is a small succulent with a unique, asymmetrical shape that makes it stand out.

52. Conophytum irmae


Botanical Name: Conophytum irmae

The Conophytum irmae has rounded, plump leaves that are pale green with reddish-purple tips.

53. Conophytum hyraces

Botanical Name: Conophytum hyraces

The Conophytum hyraces, with its bright green, fused leaves forming a cone shape, looks like a tiny stone sculpture.

54. Conophytum chauviniae


Botanical Name: Conophytum chauviniae

Conophytum chauviniae, another top pick among the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, is a strikingly beautiful succulent with thick, chunky leaves that come in a range of colors, from pale green to purple.

55. Conophytum joubertii


Botanical Name: Conophytum joubertii

The bluish-grey leaves of the Conophytum joubertii have a pebbled appearance, making it look like a miniature lunar landscape.

56. Conophytum jarmilae

Botanical Name: Conophytum jarmilae

The Conophytum jarmilae has flattened, disk-shaped leaves with a pinkish-grey hue and a waxy texture.

57. Conophytum caroli


Botanical Name: Conophytum caroli

Conophytum caroli is an exceptional one out of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties. This small, compact succulent has grayish-green leaves that form a tight rosette.

58. Conophytum lithopsoides

Botanical Name: Conophytum lithopsoides

The Conophytum lithopsoides has two fused leaves that resemble a split rock, with a green-grey color and tiny white spots.

59. Conophytum limpidum


Botanical Name: Conophytum limpidum

The translucent leaves of the Conophytum limpidum allow light to pass through, giving it a ghostly appearance.

60. Conophytum longibracteatum


Botanical Name: Conophytum longibracteatum

The Conophytum longibracteatum has elongated, cylindrical leaves with a dusty green hue and long, hair-like bristles.

61. Conophytum concavum


Botanical Name: Conophytum concavum

Conophytum concavum is a unique one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, with gray-green leaves that are concave in shape that complement its brilliant yellow flowers.

62. Conophytum loeschianum


Botanical Name: Conophytum loeschianum

The Conophytum loeschianum has pale green leaves with a reddish-brown line around the edges, resembling a miniature donut.

63. Conophytum lydiae


Botanical Name: Conophytum lydiae

The Conophytum lydiae has two fused leaves with a pale green color and a wavy, undulating edge, resembling a tiny clamshell.

64. Conophytum luckhoffii


Botanical Name: Conophytum luckhoffii

The Conophytum luckhoffii has two greyish-green leaves that are almost spherical, with a puffy, pillowy appearance.

65. Conophytum cubicum

Botanical Name: Conophytum cubicum

Conophytum cubicum is an eye-catching member of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, with small, cylindrical leaves that come in a range of colors, from green to brown.

66. Conophytum longum


Botanical Name: Conophytum longum

The Conophytum longum has elongated, tube-like leaves with a dusty green hue and a bristly, hair-like texture.

67. Conophytum marginatum


Botanical Name: Conophytum marginatum

The Conophytum marginatum has two fused leaves with a green-grey color and a thin, red line around the edge, resembling a miniature hot air balloon.

68. Conophytum minusculum


Botanical Name: Conophytum minusculum

The Conophytum minusculum has small, flattened leaves with a pale green hue and a translucent, papery texture.

69. Conophytum minitum

Botanical Name: Conophytum minitum

The Conophytum minitum has tiny, spherical leaves with a green-grey color and a bumpy, pebbled texture.

70. Conophytum hermarium


Botanical Name: Conophytum hermarium

Conophytum hermarium is a must-have for any collection of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties. This small succulent has gray-green leaves that form a tight rosette and produce bright yellow flowers in the fall.

71. Conophytum mirabile


Botanical Name: Conophytum mirabile

The Conophytum mirabile has fused leaves with a pale green color and a pattern of small, raised bumps, resembling a miniature tortoise shell.

72. Conophytum piluliforme


Botanical Name: Conophytum piluliforme

The Conophytum piluliforme has fused leaves with a green-grey color and a spherical appearance.

73. Conophytum pium


Botanical Name: Conophytum pium

The Conophytum pium has flattened, disk-shaped leaves with a pinkish-grey hue and a waxy, translucent texture.

74. Conophytum pubicalyx

Botanical Name: Conophytum pubicalyx

The Conophytum pubicalyx has two fused leaves with a green-grey hue and a fuzzy, hair-like texture.

75. Conophytum ficiforme


Botanical Name: Conophytum ficiforme

Conophytum ficiforme is a unique member of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, with leaves that resemble tiny grapes. This succulent comes in a range of colors, from green to brown, and produces bright yellow flowers, making it a must-have for any collection.

76. Conophytum praesectum

Botanical Name: Conophytum praesectum

The Conophytum praesectum has two fused leaves with a dusty green hue and a deep groove running down the center, resembling a tiny pair of lips.

77. Conophytum quaesitum

Botanical Name: Conophytum quaesitum

The Conophytum quaesitum has a green-grey color and a wrinkled, bumpy texture, resembling a miniature brain.

78. Conophytum depressum

Botanical Name: Conophytum depressum

Conophytum depressum is a top choice among the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, with thick, grayish-green leaves that form a low, compact rosette.

79. Conophytum ratum

Botanical Name: Conophytum ratum

The Conophytum ratum has two fused leaves with a green-grey color and a pattern of raised bumps, resembling a tiny mountain range.

80. Conophytum ricardianum

Botanical Name: Conophytum ricardianum

The Conophytum ricardianum has a pale green color and a rough, bumpy texture, resembling a miniature boulder.

81. Conophytum tantillum


Botanical Name: Conophytum tantillum

The Conophytum tantillum has a dusty green hue and a deep groove running down the center, resembling a tiny pair of lips.

82. Conophytum ernstii


Botanical Name: Conophytum ernstii

Conophytum ernstii is a strikingly beautiful member of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, with thick, rounded leaves that come in a range of colors, from green to purple.

83. Conophytum truncatum


Botanical Name: Conophytum truncatum

The Conophytum truncatum has two fused leaves with a green-grey color and a flattened, truncated shape, resembling a miniature satellite dish.

84. Conophytum uviforme


Botanical Name: Conophytum uviforme

The Conophytum uviforme has a green-grey hue and a cylindrical, tubular shape, resembling a miniature pipe organ.

85. Conophytum achabense

Botanical Name: Conophytum achabense

Conophytum achabense is one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties with a striking appearance, featuring plump, gray-green leaves with a noticeable purple tinge on the edges.

86. Conophytum violaciflorum


Botanical Name: Conophytum violaciflorum

The Conophytum violaciflorum has two fused leaves with a green-grey color and delicate, violet-colored flowers that bloom in the center, resembling a miniature floral arrangement.

87. Conophytum limpidum

Botanical Name: Conophytum limpidum

The Conophytum limpidum has a pale, almost translucent green color and a ghostly, ethereal appearance.

88. Conophytum angelicae

Botanical Name: Conophytum angelicae

Best Types of Conophytum Varieties includes Conophytum angelicae, which is an eye-catching succulent with thick, blue-green leaves that have a distinctive stripe pattern.

89. Conophytum violaciflorum

Botanical Name: Conophytum violaciflorum

The Conophytum violaciflorum has two fused leaves with a green-grey color and delicate, violet-colored flowers that bloom in the center, resembling a miniature floral arrangement.

90. Conophytum youngii

Botanical Name: Conophytum youngii

The Conophytum youngii has a dusty green color and a smooth, glossy texture, resembling a tiny jade sculpture.

91. Conophytum bicarinatum


Botanical Name: Conophytum bicarinatum

The Conophytum bicarinatum has two fused leaves with a green-grey color and two raised ridges running down the center, resembling a tiny rowboat.

92. Conophytum bachelorum


Botanical Name: Conophytum bachelorum

The Conophytum bachelorum has a pale green color and a distinctive “V” shape, resembling a tiny pair of wings.

93. Conophytum blandum

Botanical Name: Conophytum blandum

The Conophytum blandum has a green-grey hue and a smooth, unremarkable appearance, resembling a tiny pebble.

94. Conophytum antonii

Botanical Name: Conophytum antonii

Conophytum antonii is a member of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, showcasing an attractive plant with smooth, round leaves that range from pale green to a deep, earthy brown.

95. Conophytum brunneum

Botanical Name: Conophytum brunneum

The Conophytum brunneum has two fused leaves with a reddish-brown color and a rough, textured appearance, resembling a tiny nut or seed.

96. Conophytum breve

Botanical Name: Conophytum breve

The Conophytum breve has a green-grey color and a rounded, compact shape, resembling a miniature bouncy ball.

97. Conophytum burgeri


Botanical Name: Conophytum burgeri

The Conophytum burgeri has a glossy appearance and sprouts a lovely purple and white flower.

98. Conophytum armianum

Botanical Name: Conophytum armianum

With its delightful rose-like form, Conophytum armianum is one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, displaying succulent leaves that are a beautiful shade of pinkish-gray.

99. Conophytum calculus subsp. vanzylii

Botanical Name: Conophytum calculus subsp. vanzylii

Found in bushmanland, the Conophytum calculus subsp. vanzylii is another Conophytum variety with a stone-like appearance and tiny yellow leaves.

100. Conophytum tantillum subsp. amicorum

Botanical Name: Conophytum tantillum subsp. amicorum

The Conophytum tantillum subsp. amicorum has thick clustered stems and gives rise to beautiful yellow flowers.

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