15 Coleus Display Ideas Indoors

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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A variegated plant that adds a color to the space is something you just can’t miss! Here are some awesome Coleus Display Ideas Indoors! 

With a variety of leaf shapes and vibrant hues to choose from, Coleus adds a pop of personality to any space. In this article, we’ll explore different Coleus Display Ideas Indoors that’ll allow you to elevate your home decor with their captivating foliage.

Here are the different ways you can grow coleus plants!

Coleus Display Ideas Indoors

1. Mix Different Varieties

Coleus Display Ideas 1

Create a visually stunning display by planting different Coleus varieties in similar containers.

2. A Vertical Coleus Garden


Turn your unused wall space into a vertical garden by arranging Coleus plants in a grid-like pattern of wall-mounted planters.

3. Coleus Centerpiece

Coleus Display Ideas 3

Place a large, lush Coleus plant at the center of your dining table or coffee table. You can also add a vining plant like pothos on a window as shown in the picture above.

54 Most Beautiful Purple Coleus Varieties

4. In a Hanging Planterl with Different Plants


Growing Coleus plants in hanging planters with other plants is the best way to add a color combination to a boring and plain-jane wall.

5. On the Windowsill

Utilize your windowsills to display Coleus plants. Their colorful leaves thrive in the bright, indirect light of a sunny window.

6. Coleus Terrarium

Coleus Display Ideas 7

Create a mini indoor garden within a glass terrarium. Plant Coleus inside for a captivating microcosm.

Grow Best Coleus Plants with these tips

7. Make a Coleus Propagation Center


Arrange a series of small Coleus pots on a wall-mounted or towering shelf. It can be a spot where you can keep newly propagated plants of different colors!

8. Coleus Cuttings in Glasses

Coleus Display Ideas 11

Trim Coleus cuttings and place them in water-filled glass jars. This allows you to appreciate their vibrant foliage and root development. What’s more! It’s small enough to fit anywhere!

9. Coleus in Vases


Tall glasses and vases are great to display coleus cuttings in water, especially on a windowsill or an empty shelf.

10. Coleus on a Plant Stand


A bold and beautiful coleus on a plant stand, just near the door, can be a mini masterpiece that everyone would definitely love to stare at!

30 Stunning Images of Coleus in Hanging Baskets

11. As a Colorful Element in the Bathroom!


A lush coleus in a bathroom is sure shot way to have a colorful start to a morning everyday!

12. With a Large Foliage Plant

Coleus Display Ideas 17

Keep 2-3 coleus plants in white planters of different heights and pair them with a massive folige plant like a monstera to create a bold look!

13. A Great Holiday Decor

Flanked by candles on the windowsill and wrapped in LED lights on its colorful foliage, a coleus is indeed a great plant to decorate any occasion!

14. A Mini Coleus Tree

Coleus Display Ideas 19

A mini coleus tree by the couch and a window, from where it gets all the indirect light it needs, can be an indoor colorful focal point!

How to Grow Coleus as a Tree | Coleus Tree Care Guide

15. As a Bedroom Vine

Coleus Display Ideas 20

Yes! You can train coleus to grow as a vine, and watch its stems reach towards a window, or any place you like!

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