Chrysanthemum Morifolium Care and Growing Information

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Chrysanthemum Morifolium is a stunning flowering specimen that you can grow in the pots for all year round blooms!

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Chrysanthemum Morifolium is a popular flowering plant that cane be a fantastic addition to bring a dash of colors to homes and gardens.

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Chrysanthemum Morifolium Information

Chrysanthemum morifolium, popular as florist’s daisy or hardy garden mum, is a species of chrysanthemum that’s famous for its ornamental appeal.

It is a perennial plant typically growing from 1 to 3 feet in height, with a similar spread. Chrysanthemum morifolium exhibits a bushy growth habit, with deeply lobed, dark green leaves that can be up to 5 inches long. The leaves are arranged alternately along the stems.

The flowers of Chrysanthemum morifolium are what truly make the plant stand out. They are large, showy blooms that can be 2 to 3 inches in diameter, and sometimes even larger in cultivated varieties. The blossoms consist of two types of florets: the outer ray florets, which look like petals and can be flat, spoon-shaped, or tubular, and the inner disc florets that form the center of the flower.

The flowers come in a dazzling array of colors, including various shades of pink, purple, red, yellow, white, and multicolor blends. They usually bloom in late summer and into the fall, providing color in the garden when many other plants have stopped blooming.

Flower shapes can vary widely in cultivated varieties and can be classified into different types like single, semi-double, anemone, pompon, spider, brush or thistle, and more.

Learn Growing Mums in Pots here

Propagating Chrysanthemum morifolium

You can use seed Propagation, Division, Cuttings, Layering, and Tissue Culture or Micropropagation to grow Chrysanthemum morifolium. However, the best way to grow the plant is through cuttings:

  • Prepare Your Materials: Fill your pot with a moistened, well-draining potting mix. A mix of peat moss and perlite or sand works well.
  • Take the Cutting: In the spring or early summer, choose a healthy, vigorous stem from your Chrysanthemum morifolium plant. It’s best to choose a stem with no flower buds, as you want the plant’s energy to go into creating roots, not flowers. Cut a 4-6 inch section of stem, making the cut just below a leaf node.
  • Prepare the Cutting: Remove the leaves from the lower half of the Chrysanthemum morifolium cutting. If you’re using rooting hormone, dip the cut end of the stem into the hormone.
  • Plant the Cutting: Make a hole in your potting mix with a pencil or your finger, then insert the cut end of the Chrysanthemum Morifolium stem into the hole. Firm the soil around the stem to support it.
  • Care for the Cutting: Place the pot in a location with bright, indirect light. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged.
  • Check for Root Growth: In a few weeks, gently tug on the stem. If you feel resistance, it means roots have started to grow. Once the cutting has developed a strong root system and starts to produce new growth, it can be transplanted into a larger pot or into the garden.

Propagate Any Plant Cutting Quickly Using this Trick

Requirements for Growing Chrysanthemum Morifolium

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These plants prefer full sun to partial shade. In areas with very hot summers, some afternoon shade can be beneficial. A minimum of 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day is ideal.

In extremely hot conditions, consider using shade cloth or temporary shading to shield the plants from direct sunlight during peak heat hours.


Chrysanthemum morifolium prefer well-draining soil. They can tolerate a wide range of soil types, including loamy, sandy, or clay soils, as long as they drain well. The soil pH should ideally be in the slightly acidic to neutral range (6.5 to 7.0).

Learn some Great Tips to Rejuvenate Your Old Soil here


Water regularly, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot. It’s usually better to water deeply and less frequently, rather than little and often, to encourage deeper root growth.

Here are the best ways to water plants


Ideal Growing Temperature of Chrysanthemum morifolium is between 15°C to 24°C (59°F to 75°F). They can tolerate minimum temperature of 4°C (39°F) and maximum temperature of 30°C (86°F).

Chrysanthemums generally prefer cooler temperatures and are considered a cool-season crop. They can handle light frosts and chilly nights, but extremely cold temperatures or freezing conditions can damage the plants.

On the other hand, hot temperatures above 30°C (86°F) may cause the plant to wilt and may affect flower production.

Find Do Deer Eat Mums? Are Mums Deer Resistant here

Chrysanthemum Morifolium Care



Chrysanthemum morifolium benefit from regular feeding during the growing season. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer according to package directions, typically every 2-4 weeks from spring until mid-summer.

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Too much nitrogen can lead to lush, leafy growth at the expense of blooms, so ensure your fertilizer has a balanced NPK ratio.


Pruning or pinching back is an important practice to encourage a bushier growth habit and more blooms in Chrysanthemum Morifolium. In late spring or early summer when the plants reach about 6 inches in height, pinch off the tips of each stem to encourage branching.

This can be repeated once or twice during the growing season if necessary. After the blooming season, cut back Chrysanthemum Morifolium to a height of about 4-6 inches.

Pests and Diseases

Common pests that affect Chrysanthemum morifolium, include aphids, spider mites, and leaf miners. Aphids and spider mites can be controlled with insecticidal soaps or by introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs to your garden.

Leaf miners can be a bit more challenging to control, and it may be necessary to remove and dispose of affected leaves or use a specific pesticide.

Here are the Best Organic Pest Control Approaches Every Gardener Should Know

Chrysanthemum morifolium, are susceptible to several diseases including powdery mildew, botrytis blight, and various types of rot. These can usually be prevented or controlled by ensuring good air circulation around your plants, watering at the base rather than from above, and not watering late in the day. Fungicides can be used if these diseases become a significant problem.

Are Mums Perennial or Annual? Find Out here

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