Bored of green houseplants? We have an awesome collection of Blue Foliage Houseplants pictures that you can grow in your home!
Blue Foliage Houseplants bring a certain calm and cool vibes indoors while looking fabulous. Have a look at the best ones in this article!
Here are the best blue flowers you can grow
Blue Foliage Houseplants
The plants included in this list may not have entirely blue foliage. Some may have a light blue tint on green leaves, while some may have a deep blue hue.
1. Tequila Agave
2. Blue Glow Agave
3. Creeping Blue Sedum
4. Burro’s Tail
5. Cebu Blue
6. Silver Sword Philodendron
7. The Dark Lord
8. Blue Angel
9. Short Leaved Aloe
10. Blue Cereus
11. Melocactus azureus