15 Best Fruits Dogs Can Eat | Can Dogs Eat Fruits

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Fruits are suitable for humans, but are they good for your pup? Here is a list of the Best Fruits Dogs Can Eat for your furry friend!

Best Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Although dogs do not need fruits to be in their best health, but fresh fruits can be added to your pup’s diet. Of course, with the instructions and permissions from the vet, you can offer them the added dose of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and the boost of hydration. If you see any signs of an upset stomach or discomfort, do not feed your dogs the same type of fruit, even if it is otherwise safe. Here’s the list of the Best Fruits Dogs Can Eat; it will be your guide for selecting the right fruit for your pup.

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How to Feed Fruits to Your Dog

Frozen and fresh fruits are easier to feed directly to your furry friend. However, do not forget to remove seeds, skin, and pits. Cut fruits into smaller pieces. You can also get a little creative with these ideas:

1. Make a Smoothie

Blend fresh fruit with water, plain yogurt, veggie, chicken, or beef broth, and serve. Ensure no garlic, onion, or other unsafe food is in your broth. You can freeze the remaining in a tray for quick, delicious treats.

2. Sprinkle as Toppings

Add extra excitement to their meals by adding the cut-up fruits as a topping on the pet’s usual meals. It is a great way to spruce up their breakfast or dinner with a boost of wholesome nutrition.

3. Make a Snack Puzzle

You can fill up that regular dog puzzle toy with small bites of fruit and encourage your pet to play with the food. This way, they can get a healthy snack with great mental exercise.

4. Freeze Some

You can fill the ice cube tray with small cut pieces of fruits, fresh water, or plain yogurt and freeze. Your dog can enjoy some popsicles on a warm day.

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Best Fruits Dogs Can Eat

1. AppleDogs Can Eat The apple Fruits

Slices and small bites of dogs can help keep the vet away, but remove all seeds to avoid choking. Apples help in keeping your dog’s breath fresh and teeth clean.

Caution: Remember to cut out the core and the seeds as they contain small bits of cyanide and can be harmful to your pet. 

2. WatermelonDogs' Favourite Fruits to Eat

Your dog must agree that nothing can beat a slice of juicy watermelon on a hot summer day. Watermelon is high in antioxidants that safeguard against cell damage. It is rich in Vitamins C, B6, and A and incredibly hydrating.

Caution: Do not feed the seeds or rind, as they are difficult for your pet to digest. 

3. Peaches

The Greatest Fruits for Dogs to Eat

You can cut peaches into smaller chunks and feed your dog this healthy fruit. It is rich in antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamins C and A, and is one of the Best Fruit Dogs Can Eat.

Caution: Remove the seeds and pit to avoid choking. Only use the flesh out of the hole of peaches. The excavation also contains cyanide that can be harmful to your friend. 

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4. Bananas Can Dog Eat Bananas

Bananas can be very healthy for furry creatures as they can make for a great snack you can bring along on your long walks to share. Bananas are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. The thread can be great for dogs’ digestion.

5. Pears Can Dog Eat pears

Another Best Fruit Dogs Can Eat is pears. This healthy fruit contains high amounts of fiber, copper, and Vitamins K and C. Pears can be a good snack for your pet, but do not forget to remove the seeds.

Caution: Remove the seeds and core altogether to avoid choking. 

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6. Cantaloupe Can Dog Eat Cantaloupe

Another healthy and safe fruit for your dogs is cantaloupe. It is rich in beta-carotene, which can improve your pet’s immune system and vision. It also contains vitamins C, B6, and A, potassium, niacin, folate, and fiber.

Caution: Avoid feeding the rough-textured ring, as it can cause damage to the pet’s intestine. 

7. Blackberries Can Dog Eat Blackberries

Feeding your puppy some blackberries is good; you can cut them into smaller pieces. Although, it is best to share only the sweeter berries rather than the tart ones. It is also a rich source of Vitamins K and C and fiber and supports oral health. Blackberries may also have antibacterial components.

8. Honeydew Can Dog Eat Honeydew

Honeydew is rich in fiber, potassium, and Vitamin C. It is low in calories and excellent for hydration.

Caution: Get rid of the seeds and the rind before feeding to avoid choking or intestinal damage. 

9. Mango Can Dog Eat Mango

Mangoes are safe but should only be fed in moderation. However, they are rich in vitamins B6, C, A, and E and fiber.

Caution: Mangoes are high in sugar content, so only feed in moderation and in small portions. Make sure you remove the seed and cut it into small bits. 

10. Oranges Can Dog Eat Oranges

Another healthy and safe fruit that dogs can consume is Oranges. They are high in potassium, fiber, and Vitamin C content. Although some dogs do not appreciate the acidity of citrus fruits, most enjoy the sweet flavor.

Caution: Avoid feeding oranges to dogs struggling with diabetes or obesity. Always give oranges in moderation, as high sugar and acidity levels can cause an upset stomach for any dog.

11. Blueberries Can Dog Eat blueberries

Dogs love big and small Blueberries, but if your dog is still young, cut the berries into halves before serving. Blueberries are rich in calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and antioxidants. The low value of sugar and fat makes it a healthy treat for dogs who need to lose weight.

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12. Papaya Can Dog Eat  papaya

You can feed papaya to your puppy as the flesh is loaded with vitamins C, A, K, and E, folate, potassium, and calcium. It makes it another excellent snack treat for them.

13. RaspberriesFruits Dogs Can Eat  Like raspberries

Most dogs love berries, especially in summer when they taste the sweetest. It contains copper, magnesium, antioxidants, Vitamin C, and folic acid. Raspberries can also help with age-related issues and support the fight against cancer and respiratory diseases.

Caution: Serve raspberries in moderation only. 

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14. CranberriesFruits Dogs Can Eat  Like  cranberries

Cranberries can make for delicious treats for your pets. You can feed cranberries to your dogs in dried, cooked, or raw form. However, you may skip the sugar-loaded cranberry sauce; sorry, dogs.

The berries are high in vitamins E, C, B, and B6 and antioxidants.

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15. StrawberriesFruits Dogs Can Eat  Like Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamins B6, C, E, and K, potassium, folate, and manganese. Similar to most berries, strawberries are also rich in antioxidants. It can boost the immune system and keep your pet hydrated on a warmer day.

Caution: Slice off the leaves and quarter up the berries for safe feeding. If your dog is tiny, you can cut them into smaller bites. 

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Fruits Dog Can’t Eat

Best Fruits Dogs Can Eat  2

As a responsible pet guardian, you should also track the unsafe fruits for your paw friends. Anyway, always feed a small portion of any fruit for the first time and watch for signs.

Now that we are over with the disclaimer again, here is a list of Fruits Dog Can’t Eat:

  1. Grapefruit
  2. Lemons
  3. Plums
  4. Cherries
  5. Grapes
  6. Limes
  7. Avocado
  8. Cherry tomato
  9. Tomato

Caution: Even safer fruits can cause health issues for your dog, so only go for smaller portions and observe for any symptoms for 1-2 days. Always research what fruits are good for dogs before feeding any fruits to your furry partner. 

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