24 Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Here is the list of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings easily and inexpensively. Multiplay them without spending a dime!

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, this list of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings will help you expand your plant collection and create a beautiful and colorful space.

Check out 50 Best Cut Flowers for Cutting Garden here

How to Grow Flower From Cuttings?

To propagate plants from cuttings, start by selecting a well-draining container filled with loamy soil.

  • Take a healthy six-inch cutting from the plant of your choice and dip it in the rooting hormone.
  • Place the cutting in the container and keep the soil moist without overwatering.
  • After about a month, your cutting should have formed roots and be ready for transplanting.
  • Propagating plants from cuttings is a cost-effective way to beautify your home with a little bit of patience and care.

Here are the Best Flowering Vines and Climbers to Grow in Garden & Containers

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings

1. Gardenia

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings

Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenias are highly fragrant flowers that fill the air with their delightful aroma. The twisting of their petals into each other creates a rose-like appearance. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

Learn about Gardenia Tree Care and How to Grow it here

2. Dahlias

Botanical Name: Dahlia

Dahlias are a beloved choice among gardeners for adding a vibrant burst of color to their gardens. With a wide range of colors available, dahlias come in almost every shade imaginable.

3. Chrysanthemum

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 3

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum

It comes in a diverse range of colors, including gold, white, off-white, yellow, bronze (rust), red, burgundy, pink, lavender, and purple, making it one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

Here are the Best Flowering Succulents To Grow Indoors and Outdoors

4. Salvia

Botanical Name: Salvia nemorosa.

Salvia is a popular perennial plant in gardens. If you want to propagate salvia through cuttings, it’s recommended to cut segments of the plant from the tips of its stems.

5. Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa

Roses are arguably the most beloved flower worldwide, with more than 150 species that exhibit a diverse array of shapes and colors.

Here are the Smallest Rose Varieties for Containers

6. Aster

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 6

Botanical Name: Aster

Taking cuttings from asters is an effective way to propagate them, and nurturing them can be highly fulfilling. With more than 600 species in North America alone, asters can be found to suit any garden. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

7. Hydrangea

Botanical Name: Hydrangea macrophylla

The Hydrangea plant produces attractive clusters of flowers that blossom on “old wood,” which refers to branches that are at least one year old.

Check out Excellent Landscaping With Hydrangea Ideas here

8. Butterfly Bush

Botanical Name: Buddleia davidii

Butterfly Bush is a fast-growing, perennial shrub that produces flower spikes in hues ranging from purple, pink, blue, and white to yellow. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

9. Marigold

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 9

Botanical Name: Tagetes

To propagate marigolds, cut a 4-inch-long section from the softwood growth of the plant. Once the cutting is taken, place the pot in a warm, bright location that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

10. Salvia

Botanical Name: Salvia

Usually, Salvia produces scarlet flowers that are a common feature of these annuals and perennials. Still, they are also available in a range of other colors, including white, salmon, pink, purple, lavender, burgundy, and orange.

Check out 33 Best Baby Blue Flowers here

11. Azalea


Botanical Name: Rhododendron

Azaleas are highly favored in gardens, with over 10,000 variations available. These flowers offer a broad spectrum of colors, ranging from vivid white to deep red and almost every shade in between. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

12. Honeysuckle

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 12

Botanical Name: Lonicera

What many may not realize, however, is that honeysuckles come in over 200 different varieties, all of which are stunningly beautiful. Simply take its 4-6 inches long cutting and root it in a well draining potting mix.

Here are Different Types of Honeysuckle Varieties You Can Grow

13. Ixora

Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea

Take cuttings during the spring season. However, it’s worth noting that rooting this plant can be a challenging process, often requiring the use of rooting hormone and bottom heat to achieve success.

14. Camellia

Botanical Name: Camellia japonica

Camellias are renowned for their stunning, eye-catching flowers and are one of the easiest semi-hardwood cuttings to propagate. Their beauty is unmatched, making them a highly sought-after flower.

15. Dianthus

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 15

Botanical Name: Dianthus

Taking cuttings between June and September will yield a fast-rooting and robust plant for the following year. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

16. Vinca


Botanical Name: Vinca

Vincas are a versatile plant that thrives in various settings, such as garden beds, containers, and hanging baskets. Additionally, they can be propagated through cuttings, which typically take around 3-4 weeks to root and establish new growth.

Here are the Best Flowering Vines & Climbers to Grow in Garden & Containers

17. Geraniums

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 17

Botanical Name: Pelargonium

Propagating geraniums via cuttings is an uncomplicated process, particularly since they lack a dormant phase. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

18. Lavender

Botanical Name: Lavandula

Growing lavender from cuttings is an excellent method. This shrub boasts charming flowers, versatile culinary foliage, and a soothing fragrance. Read more here.

Learn How to Grow Lavender Plants here

19. Petunia

Botanical Name: Petunia

Petunias are well-loved for their vibrant colors and long blooming seasons. They are a great choice for novice gardeners and can be propagated from softwood cuttings. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

Here’s everything you need to know about growing Petunias

20. Begonias

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 20

Botanical Name: Begonias

With their vibrant blooms and foliage, begonias are a popular choice for cutting propagation. They can be propagated from stem or leaf cuttings.

Here are the Most Beautiful Flowers with 5 Petals

21. Coleus

Botanical Name: Coleus scutellarioides

Coleus displays striking foliage in a range of colors; this plant is an excellent choice for cutting propagation. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

Check out 36 Indoor Plant Cuttings that Look Good in Vases here

22. Hibiscus

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 22

Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hardwood cuttings taken during the last month of winter or early spring are the simplest method for propagating hibiscus. It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings.

23. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow


Botanical Name: Brunsfelsia pauciflora

This bush produces beautiful blooms that begin as shades of purple, then gradually transition to lavender. Propagating Brunfelsia can be achieved by taking tip cuttings from the plant’s current season growth.

24. Gerbera Daisy

Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings 24

Botanical Name: Gerbera jamesonii

For those looking to save time and enjoy these stunning blooms, growing Gerbera daisies from cuttings is a great option! It is one of the Best Flowers that Grow from Cuttings. Read the details here

Learn How to Keep Gerbera Daisies Blooming here

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