According To This Malaysian Study, Most CO2 Absorbing Plant Is?

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This Malaysian study reveals the name of the Most CO2 Absorbing Indoor Plant! Growing this houseplant can be a great way to clean the indoor air!

A Malaysian study published with the title ‘Indoor Plants as Agents Deterioration of Gas Pollutions’ in the Asian Research Publishing Network journal in September 2016 observed what is the Most CO2 Absorbing Indoor Plant indoors. Let’s have a detailed look.

Have a look at the most effective CO2 absorbing plants here

The Experiment

Seven indoor plants for the experiment were selected and tested separately in one cubic meter of sealed glass chamber in the daytime for 425 minutes. All plants used were healthy and kept in a room temperature of 25 C (77 F) ± 1 C (33.8 F), relative humidity stayed at 78% to 85%.

The plants were 9 months old, grown in regular potting mixes consisting of composted hardwood, sawdust, composted bark fines, and coarse river sand (with ratio 2:2:1), in 10 inches diameter plastic pots. Plants were fertilized every 2 weeks with organic fertilizers.

Plants Used in the Experiment

  • Anthurium
  • Dumb Cane
  • Golden Pothos
  • Bird’s Nest Fern
  • Prayer Plant
  • Spider Plant
  • Arrowhead Plant

Results of the Study

  • Initial CO2 for the Anthurium was 467 ppm, the final reading was 368 ppm.
  • Initial CO2 for the Dumb Cane was 436 ppm, the final reading was 332 ppm.
  • Initial CO2 for the Golden Pothos was 455 ppm, the final reading was 377 ppm.
  • Initial CO2 for the Bird’s Nest Fern was 440 ppm, the final reading was 364 ppm.
  • Initial CO2 for the Prayer Plant was 453 ppm, the final reading was 376 ppm.
  • Initial CO2 for the Spider Plant was 435 ppm, the final reading was 350 ppm.
  • Initial CO2 for the Arrowhead Plant was 433 ppm, the final reading was 333 ppm.

Most CO2 Absorbing Plants in Percentage

  1. Dumbcane absorbed 23.90 percent CO2.
  2. Arrow Plant absorbed 23.10 percent CO2.
  3. Anthurium absorbed 21.20 percent CO2.
  4. Spider Plant absorbed 19.50 percent CO2.
  5. Bird’s Nest Fern absorbed 17.30 percent CO2.
  6. Golden Pothos absorbed 17.10 percent CO2.
  7. Prayer Plant absorbed 17 percent CO2.

The Winner and the Most CO2 Absorbing Indoor Plant

The following study confirms that dumb cane is the most CO2 absorbing houseplant. It’s also clear from this experiment and other previous ones that houseplants can be the best natural and cost-effective alternative to reduce the CO2, indoor air pollutants and volatile organic compounds from the air.

Check out the full study here

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