Schefflera Plant Care Indoors | Growing Umbrella Plant

Ralph Astley is a retired gardener from Philadelphia who specializes in outdoor plants and trees. With years of hands-on experience, Ralph not only cares for a diverse range of outdoor flora but also shares his extensive knowledge through well-written articles and social media posts. A trusted authority in arboriculture, he's committed to helping the community grow healthier, more robust gardens.
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Schefflera Plant Care is super easy and rewarding if you follow the right tips and tricks! Keep on reading for the best ones!

Schefflera Plant Care Indoors 1

With its striking, umbrella-shaped leaves and the ability to thrive in various lighting conditions, this plant offers the perfect blend of beauty and ease of care. Step into a world where lush foliage meets elegant design, all within the comfort of your home. Meet the Schefflera Plant – a stunning indoor shrub that promises all this and more. Keep scrolling to discover everything about Growing Umbrella Plant Indoors!

Check out our article on growing Areca Palm indoors here

Schefflera Plant Information

The Schefflera plant is native to various regions, but most commonly it is found in the subtropical and tropical areas of Taiwan and Australia. Its natural habitat includes rainforests and mountain regions where the climate is generally humid and warm. Over time, it has been cultivated and hybridized, leading to different varieties that can thrive in various conditions including indoor settings.


  • The hallmark feature of the Schefflera plant is its leaves, which are arranged in groups of 7-9 leaflets radiating from a central point, giving them an umbrella-like appearance.
  • The leaves are generally glossy and come in shades of dark green. Some varieties offer variegated leaves featuring shades of cream, yellow, or even a mix of colors.

Plant Structure

  • The Schefflera can be grown as a compact, bushy shrub or be trained into a taller tree-like form, depending on the variety and your specific care regimen.
  • Young plants are usually more bushy and compact, offering a lush appearance suitable for small spaces. On the other hand, mature plants, especially when grown outdoors, can achieve significant heights.


  • Among the most popular varieties are Schefflera Arboricola, often used as a houseplant, and Schefflera Actinophylla, which is generally larger and better suited for outdoor gardens.

Propagating Schefflera Plant

Stem Cuttings

  1. Prepare Tools: Sterilize scissors or pruning shears.
  2. Cut Stem: Cut a 4-6 inch stem with at least two leaf nodes from a healthy parent plant.
  3. Root Hormone: Dip the cut end into rooting hormone powder.
  4. Plant: Insert the cut end into a pot with well-draining soil.
  5. Water: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  6. Humidity: Place a plastic bag over the cutting to maintain humidity.


  • Quick root development
  • High success rate

Air Layering

  1. Select Stem: Choose a healthy, mature stem.
  2. Make Incision: Cut a small incision into the stem.
  3. Apply Hormone: Rub rooting hormone into the cut.
  4. Wrap: Surround the cut with moist sphagnum moss.
  5. Seal: Wrap the area with plastic wrap and secure it with twist ties.
  6. Cut and Plant: Once roots appear in the moss, cut the stem below the roots and plant it.


  • Allows for larger plant sections to be propagated
  • Minimal shock to the parent plant

Choosing a Pot for Umbrella Plant

Choosing a Pot for Umbrella Plant

If you have brought the plant from a nursery, then it is advisable to move it in size or two bigger pots. As the plant can reach an impressive height of 5-6 feet indoors, keeping it in one size bigger pot will help it grow. Also, the pot needs to have drainage holes!

For new plants, choosing an 8-10-inch container is going to be a good starting point.

Requirements for Growing Schefflera Indoors

Requirements for Growing Schefflera Indoors


Bright, indirect sunlight will make the plant grow like anything! The spot should also be away from exterior doors and air vents so that the tree won’t be exposed to blasts of hot and cold air.

A north or east-facing window is going to be a great place. As it is a tropical plant, you can also keep it in a humid room, like a bathroom or kitchen but make sure it receives indirect light all the time.


This tropical plant prefers well-draining, aerated soil that retains moisture without getting waterlogged. Here’s what you could use:

Potting Soil

  • Provides essential nutrients and serves as the base.
  • Use a high-quality, organic potting soil as about 40-50% of the mix.

Perlite or Pumice

  • Enhances drainage and aeration.
  • Make this 20-30% of your mix.

Orchid Bark or Coconut Coir

  • Adds aeration and structure to the soil.
  • Incorporate about 10% into the mix.

Optional: Charcoal Bits

  • Helps with drainage and odor control.
  • Add a small amount, about 5%, if desired.


While it loves the slightly moist growing medium, it’s better to wait until the topsoil in the container dries out before watering again. Mist the plant regularly or run a humidifier sometimes, if it’s located in an indoor spot that has low humidity.

Overwatering will cause root rot, and keeping the foliage wet may promote powdery mildew to develop on the plant–so avoid both things. Look for yellow, mushy, and dropped leaves, as they’re a sign of overwatering.


Being a tropical plant, it loves to stay in warm surroundings and does best between 57-90 F (14-30 C). Just make sure that it is not exposed to sudden temperature fluctuations and freezing air and it’ll do fine.


Humidity found in homes will aid in the growth of the plant. However, if you notice that the leaves are not as healthy as they should be and turning brown and flaky, then you can mist the foliage with a fine spray of water.

Alternatively, place the plant on a tray of water with pebbles.

Schefflera Plant CareSchefflera Plant Care


Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a balanced (20-20-20) liquid fertilizer by diluting it to half of the recommended dose instructed on the packet.

Do make sure that you are not feeding the plant from mid-fall to winter in colder climates. If you live in a tropical environment, continue fertilizing the plant at a reduced rate in winter.


Schefflera will need re-potting once every 1-2 years. If you want the plant to grow taller, you can re-pot it in a larger container to increase its height. Keeping it root-bound will limit its growth.


Late winter or early spring is generally the best time to prune, as the plant is about to enter a period of active growth. Occasional light pruning can be done throughout the year to remove dead or diseased leaves and stems.

Identify the branches that are overgrown or detract from the plant’s shape. Cut these branches back to a joint or to the main trunk.

Carefully remove any yellow or brown leaves and dead stems. For diseased areas, make the cut a few inches below the affected zone to ensure that the disease does not spread. Pinch back the tips of young branches to promote branching. For older plants, cut back long, leggy branches to a joint to encourage denser growth.


Spider Mites

  • Look for fine webs and yellowing leaves
  • Treatment: Wipe leaves with soapy water and use a miticide spray


  • Manifest as tiny green or black insects on the undersides of leaves
  • Treatment: Use insecticidal soap or neem oil spray


  • Appear as small, brown, shell-like bumps on stems and leaves
  • Treatment: Remove manually and apply horticultural oil


  • Look like tiny white cottony masses, usually at leaf joints
  • Treatment: Wipe off with alcohol-soaked cotton or use insecticidal soap


Root Rot

  • Signs include yellowing leaves and a foul smell from the soil
  • Cause: Overwatering and poor drainage
  • Treatment: Repot in well-draining soil and cut back on watering

Leaf Spot

  • Manifest as brown or black spots with yellow halos on leaves
  • Cause: Fungal or bacterial infection
  • Treatment: Remove affected leaves and apply a fungicide

Powdery Mildew

  • Appears as a white powdery substance on leaves
  • Cause: High humidity and poor air circulation
  • Treatment: Reduce humidity and apply a fungicide

Schefflera Toxicity

According to the ASPCA, the sap in the leaves contains calcium oxalate crystals, which makes the plant mildly toxic to dogs and cats. Chewing may cause nausea, vomiting, irritation, and a burning sensation in the mouth.

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