HomeFlowers & Blooms
Flowers & Blooms
9 Smallest Orchid Flower Varieties in the World
These Smallest Orchid Flower Varieties prove that beauty comes in all sizes! You should definitely try growing some (maybe all)!
Have you ever seen an...
16 Best Ways to Keep African Violets at Home
If you're a first-time Saintpaulia owner, care begins with where you put it. Here are the Best Ways to Keep African Violets at Home!
11 Reseeding Annuals that Bloom Again and Again
From filling empty spots in the garden to adding bursts of color, grow these reseeding annuals that bloom again and again!
Self-seeding plants are nature’s...
8 Shade-Loving Perennials You Didn’t Know About
Too little sun and too much shadow? Bet you didn't know about these Shade-Loving Perennials that will thrive in your home garden!
While hostas, Coral...
15 Orchid Dish Garden Ideas for Homes
Sure, you can grow orchids in decorative vases or hangers. But do you know what would really make them stand out? These Orchid Dish...
6 Indoor Plants That Flower But You Never Knew They Could
You have been growing indoor plants for their foliage, but do you know these indoor plants can surprise you with their rare display of...
Everything About Pruning a Christmas Cactus So It Grows Best Forever
Here's a Christmas Cactus Pruning Guide for Beginners and Pros to help them learn about the most important part of caring for this plant!
5 Things You Must Do With Christmas Cactus After Flowering
Enjoyed the flowers of your Christmas cactus this festive season? Now what? If you are wondering about this - keep reading!
After the holiday season,...
10 Things Every Christmas Cactus Owner Should Know
Here are 10 Things Every Christmas Cactus Owner Should Know to keep your plant healthy year-round and show off its stunning holiday colors!
Do you...