

5 Most Beautiful Types of Dianthus Varieties

This butterfly magnet comes in many varieties, but the Most Beautiful Types of Dianthus for your home are listed below! Replete with ruffled petals, striking...

5 Tricks to Grow a Spilling Spider Plant

Want to Train your Spider Plant to Spill Over like a beautiful fountain? Here are tricks to work its arching foliage to your liking! The...

Why an Egg for the Orchid is the Best Thing

Craving Eggs? So are your Orchids. We explain Why An Egg is the Best Thing Ever to nourish these picky flowering divas! If you've grown...

Top 10 Things to Do in March in the Garden

Here are the best Things to do in March in the Garden and create a yard that will stand out for the rest of...

12 Best Ways to Train a Pothos Plant

Make your Devil's Ivy grow your way—we share the Best Ways to Train a Pothos Plant to climb, sprawl, fall, or trail! Your Epipremnum aureum...

23 Space Saving Ideas to Showcase Snake Plants in Home

Can't find a spot for your Sansevieria? We've got you covered with these Space Saving Ideas to Showcase Snake Plants in Home! Finding creative ways...

9 Smallest Orchid Flower Varieties in the World

These Smallest Orchid Flower Varieties prove that beauty comes in all sizes! You should definitely try growing some (maybe all)! Have you ever seen an...

Never Use Vinegar On These Plants—You Will Damage Them!

Never use vinegar on these plants as you are more likely to damage and kill them rather than help these species flourish! White vinegar is...

7 African Violet Watering Tips

These African Violet Watering Tips are useful, out-of-the-box tricks that can make your houseplant thrive with beautiful flowers! Do you have an African violet that's...