Raul C

Raul C is a seasoned flower grower and an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb.com. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, Raul is an expert in cultivating a wide variety of flowers and herbs. His prowess isn’t just limited to the garden; he’s also an accomplished writer and a captivating public speaker.


  • Editor at BalconyGardenWeb
  • Expert flower and herb grower
  • Frequent presenter at flower and garden shows
  • Active contributor to Facebook flower groups
  • Avid writer and photographer


Raul has gained widespread recognition for his flower and herb growing expertise, and he’s a regular speaker at various flower & garden shows, nurseries, and horticultural organizations. As an Editor at BalconyGardenWeb, Raul is responsible for guiding the content strategy and ensuring the quality of the articles published.

Personal Life

Raul loves starting his days with a cup of coffee and spending time in the garden. When not immersed in work or gardening, he enjoys long drives in nature, photography, and of course, more coffee.


Raul holds a Master’s in Business, equipping him with the skills needed to excel in both leadership and analytical tasks.


  • Flower and Herb Cultivation
  • Public Speaking at Horticultural Events
  • Content Strategy and Editing
  • Creative Writing and Photography